Epilogue- Part Two♡

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Cry by Alexx Calise

[Mia's POV]

There he stood. There Shawn stood with his eyes fixated on me, and my eyes fixed onto him.

I hadn't said anything. I didn't know what to say. I was beyond shocked for him to even be standing here right now. I hadn't seen him for five months and to have him right here infront of me I was feeling a whole series of different emotions.

Staring up at his face I admired how a little red his cheeks were, a little sun burn settling along the bridge of his nose. His eyes were incredibly green and his hair had gotten a little longer ,since the time I last saw him, as his curls loosely fell onto his forehead.

"Don't listen to Grayson" Shawn comforted as he placed his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket, the denim jacket I had gotten him a while back.

Looking at him I just pulled my eyebrows together a little, not wanting any advice from him out of all people right now.

"What are you doing here Shawn?" I sighed as wiped away the last few remaining tears with my sleeves.

"I couldn't miss today" he smiled softly at me, a gleam of hope in his eyes which I hadn't seen in such a long time.

"You missed everything else, why is today any different?" I said ignorantly, having every right to be mad at him.

"But I'm here now, I guess fate couldn't keep me away any longer" he smiled, for some reason a hopeful, uet cautious, look across his face.

I scoffed before standing up as walking over to the window of the room, opening a window so I could cool down a little.

Hearing Shawn's footsteps move across the floor I turned around to look at him before he could move any closer.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me" Shawn said, his smile now having faded into a look of disappointment.

He had now stopped walking, leaving only a metre of space being between us, as his hands fell out of his pockets and down to his sides.

"Why should I be happy to see you?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Because you didn't want me to leave" Shawn said softly.

Rolling my eyes I rested my hands on the desk behind me as I looked back at Shawn to see him narrowing his eyes at me in confusion.

"What?" I scoffed, mad at him for acting like he could come back here as if he never lied or hurt me.

[Shawn's POV]

"What?" She said in a bitter tone, acting like a stroppy teenager.

"Why the hell are you acting like this?" I said in confusion, pulling my hand through my hair.

"You can't expect to come back here and act like you can just sweep me off my feet again. You can't expect to lie to me about why you left and come back as if I'm some desperate girl who would jump at any chance to get back with you" she snapped a little, a hurt expression piercing out of her blue eyes.

"What lie Mia?" I sighed, stepping closer to her as her eyes fell onto the ground.

She didn't say anything but instead I just walked over to her until I was right infront of her.

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