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Song of the chapter: I Won't Let you Go by James Morrison


I couldn't help but smile wide as Colby scored the winning goal. Everyone from the stand cheered as we all shouted grace at the team.

"He did it, he did it!" Caleb cheered as he jumped down to the side of me.

"I know, I can't believe it" I slightly laughed as I looked down at the warm sleeves of the jersey I was wearing.

Focusing my attention onto the pitch I watched as Colby remained still, staring straight at the goal as everyone around him cheered.

"Is he okay?" Caleb whispered as I furrowed my eyebrows at the Colby's lack of movement.

Just as I was about to answer I watched as Colby struggled to walk forward, pushing everyone's hands off his shoulders.

His hand rose onto his chest as it clenched again his top, his face looking confused and drained.

"Something's wrong" I panicked.

"What?" Caleb asked, confused as he looked at me.

"Call for an ambulance, something's wrong with Colby" I snapped frantically before racing off my wet and sprinting into the pitch.

As I ran towards Colby he continued to stumble forward, his wary eyes looking at me.

"Colby?" I repeated his name as I got closer to him.

My concern only increased as his whole body collapsed infront of me. I felt numb as I watched his eys close, his body hitting hard against the ground.

"Colby? Oh my god, Colby" I cried as I dropped to the side of him before lifting his head onto my lap.

I heard running towards us as people became louder and faster in their words.

I felt my stomach drop as I rose my hand onto his chest, seeing if there was any sign of breathing.

"Oh my god" I cracked as the tears threatened to fall, my eyes darting down in heartache.

"Move! Everyone move!" I heard loud shouting as footsteps of running got closer.

Looking up I watched as Shawn pushed his way through the already made crowd, which was circling around us.

He looked at Colby with fear and concern in his eyes before racing towards us, kneeling to the side of Colby.

He gently pulled Colby's head onto his lap, as I sat there frozen in having to watch this.

"He's not breathing, someone call for help!" Shawn demand as he began arranging his hands in position to give CPR.

"I've called them, they're on their way!" Grayson shouted back.

"Right Mia, I need you to keep you to tilt Colby's head up and then place your finger very gently against the breathing tube part of Colby's neck" Shawn calmly instructed as he glanced up at me.

I gulped as I stared back at him in fear.

"It's okay, we've got this" he reassured me.

I let out a small nod as Shawn placed his two hands, on top of one another,  against Colby's chest.

Once tilting Colby's chin up I carefully placed my finger against his neck, waiting for any sign of breathing.

"Now once I finish the count to eight, I want you to put your ear next to Colby's mouth and I want you to tell me how many breaths you can hear" Shawn added.

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