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Song of the chapter- One Last Song by Sam Smith

Dropping my high heels onto my bedroom floor I pushed my door shut before plunging myself down onto my bed.

I had just gotten back from the dinner out with the family and the whole time I had to try and pretend that I was okay, when all I wanted to do was cry.

Now we were home and I was shut away, able to let everything out. The tears were already burning down my face as soon as I stepped foot into my room.

Placing my hands either side of me I grabbed onto my duvet as I held my eyes shut, the tears never stopping.

I could feel my lip quiver as I tried not to let my cries become loud. My mascara was probably all under my eyes, and my eyes were probably itching red.

I felt completely empty, just knowing that Shawn wasn't going to be there anymore. I felt empty to know that the person I gave all my love to completely ripped it apart.

I just didn't get why, I didn't get why he would let me go so easily. You wouldn't let someone go so easy if you cared.

I felt stupid. I felt stupid for lettimg myself become involved with him. He lured me and I took the bait. I became his rebound and I was no longer nothing to him.

The only problem is that he is still everything to me.

[Shawn's POV]

I let the hot water run off my body as I held my head down. As the water from the shower poured down my skin, my hair layed stuck to my forehead.

I stared down as the water droplets slid off my knees and hit against the floor, something which I had been staring at for at least fifteen minutes now.

I was tired, drained and broke. I was back to being alone and that hurt alot, but what hurt most was to know that I was alone because I no longer had Mia.

She wasn't mine anymore, and I didn't even fight to keep her.

I could feel water circle in my eyes, not being the water from the shower but instead being tears.

Taking my hand to my face I held the bridge of my nose as I closed my eyes, trying to blink away the tears.

I may have have hurt her, but this was hurting me way worse.

It was no use so instead I just opened my eyes and let the tears fall.

Taking my eyes off the floor I just stared at the doors of the shower, them being steamed up.

Reaching out I placed one of my hands on the glass before wiping my hand along it so I could now see a blurred reflection of the bathroom.

The water of the glass felt cold agaisnt my skin but that's what I liked. Whenever I felt ill or down I found that coldness was a better form of comfort.

That's when I heard my phone going off from the side of the sink. Sighing a little I turned off the shower before pulling open the shower doors, revealing myself to the cold room.

Taking a white towl of the rail I wrapped it around my waist before walking over to the side of my sink. As I pushed one of my hands through my wet hair I took the phone off the side before answering the call and putting it up to my ear.

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