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Song of the chapter- On top of the World by Imagine Dragons

Song of the chapter- On top of the World by Imagine Dragons

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shawnmendes I have a good photographer...

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miaxaniston Behind the curtains👀

As my eyes began adjusting to the light I slowly began to wake up, feeling Shawn's strong arms around my waist as I later against his chest.

He was the first thing I saw as I woke up and automatically I felt a smile form onto my lips. He was still fast asleep as his head layed sunk into the pillow, his curls stuck to his forehead from his sweating last night.

Shifting in his arms I moved so I was laying on my back, trying to remove myself from his warm body so I could get a little space. His arms still remained around me, not tightly but they were not going to let me go anytime soon.

Furrowing my eyebrows slightly I used my hand to lift up the duvet a little before looking down at my body from under the sheets.

"Oh my god" I muttered to myself, kind of mortified that I fell asleep without any of my clothes on.

Holding duvet tightly against my chest I layed there looking up at the celin, trying to process what had happened last night.

Amongst being in my thoughts I felt Shawn's hand begin to move on my side before rubbing along the sides of my stomach.

Turning my head to look at him his eyes were twitching as they still remained closed, meaning he was just about waking up.

"I feel so hot" Shawn mumbled and grumbled against the pillow.

"Yeah I know, you haven't let me go all night" I laughed lightly before holding Shawn's chin with my hand.

"Oh sorry babe" his morning husky voice whispered as his arms began unravelling from around me.

I smiled before placing my lips softly against his in a kiss. I felt a smile begin to rise onto his lips as our lips remained together.

Pulling away I looked at him to see his eyes opening and as soon as they opened I smiled even more brighter as his big brown eyes looked straight at me.

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