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Song of the chapter: Classic by MKTO

After a long talk and discussion with Colby's parents they had finally agreed for Colby to be allowed to come to the party, as long as I was his supervision to make sure he didn't drink or do anything stupid.

We had already arrived at the party and as soon as I walked into the living room of Hayes' family house I was faced with a game of shots being played around the table.

Many of the cheerleaders and the jocks were stood around the table, all taking part in the game.

"You can take part if you want, I can just crash here" Colby whispered from the side of me.

Looking up at him he was already looking down at me with a guilty expression.

"No it's fine, I promised your parents I would drive you home. Plus I'm not really up for having a hangover" I gave him a small smile.

"We're in this together Colby"

To that a smile began tugging at the corner of his lips, a little spark in his eye reflecting back at me.

"Come on, we can find our own fun" he smiled before placing his hand on my back and pushing me through the rather warm aired room.

No one other then Hayes and I knew about Colby's battle he was facing. He was very embarrassed and ashamed of people knowing the truth, making him rely on the two of us to protect the truth of why he fell unconscious at the game.

This was his first party since the fall down and I knew that Colby was just as worried as Hayes and I of failing his parents or falling back into a state of being unwell. He just didn't want to become associated with another drink or any sort of drugs, he wanted to turn everything around.

In the midst of walking through the living room many people greeted Colby, Colby returning either a smile or a nod. His hand never left my hack as he guided me through to another room.

Reaching another room we were now in of Hayes house. It was a white washed room with only a long table spread down the middle of it, red cups spread either side of the table.

"I was thinking that maybe we could play a game of beer pong" he smiled over my shoulder

"That's requires drinking you know " I whispered as I titled my head up to look at him.

"That's why I'll drink for the both of you, don't worry" Hayes voice intervened as he walked in from behind us.

[Colby's POV]

"That's what I'm talking about!" I beamed loudly as yet another ball scored into one of the red cups.

Looking to my side Mia was laughing from the side of me as she clasped her hands together, her eyes gleaming from the outside moon of the darkness.

My smile only widened as I admired how perfect she looked. Her hair was up, her curls falling past her face as she tucked them behind her ears every once in a while.

Tonight she was wearing a denim jacket over a plain white top as she wore shorts on her legs.

It was October and she was still wearing shorts, however I weren't complaining. I'd look at those legs any day.

In the midst of her laughter her manipulating blue eyes fell onto mine, a wide smile not escaping her lips.

I parted my lips to say something but I stopped myself and instead just stood there smiling at her.

"You're up Mia" Felix shouted from the otherside of the table.

Mia's eyes immediately turned away from mine as she walked infront of me, positioning herself infront of the table. 

Taking the ball in her hand she was about to throw when her phone echoed through the room. As soon as the ball released from her grip it didn't even bounce onto the table but instead scored into the very first cup.

My grin wasn't removable from my face as I watched her excitement at scoring. She was laughing as she chose Izzy to take the drink from the cup.

Feeling an arm fling around my neck I turned my head to see a very drunk Hayes.

"You need to get over her Colby, from what u told me it sounds like she's not interested" Hayes slurred as his tired eyes tried to focus on me.

"I know Hayes" I smiled before laughing lightly at his drunken state.

"Then take your eyes off her and begin looking at all these other hot girls. Get some tonight" he kept his voice hushed as he pulled me closer by his arm.

"I don't think I can" I shook my head, my smile falling small.

"What? You don't think you can get some? Well that's a load of shit because you're the hottest guy I know and the hottest guy in this whole house, apart from me ofcourse.

Laughing I took his arm off my shoulder before putting my hands in my pockets as I turned to look at Mia. She was now playing one on one with Felix while everyone watched around them.

"I don't think I can ever take my eyes off, I can't ever move on" I sighed as I gazed at her.

I could of gone on with a long speech about how amazing Mia was and how I could never get over her but Hayes was already on top of the table, dancing to the music.

He had always been the life of the party and as of right now he was completely at of it, letting himself completely loose as he danced carelessly on the table.

There was no way that he was going to remember this in the morning.

"He's completely lost it" Mia laughed as she walked to the side of me.

"But it's okay because he won't care about how much he's embarrassing himself" I smiled, all my previous thoughts being pushed to the back of my mind.

She was about to say something but her soon was soon to cut her off.

Pulling her phone out of the back pocket she turned it on and immediately her smile became a thousand times bigger.

Let me guess, Peter-Raul?

She put her phone up to her ear before smiling at me and then walking out of the room, leaving me to stand here feeling like I had just been stabbed right in the chest.

I'm seriously having a really bad writers block at the moment, it always happens whenever I read other people's fanfictions.

QOTD: Dare To Live or MTV Unplugged?

AOTD: MTV Unplugged

There's something about song artists covering other song artist's songs that makes everything better

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