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Song of the chapter: 10k Hours by James TW


Sitting in the library I had first morning period free so I decided to catch up on my maths studies. Izzy was with me which made it more easy to handle even if she was distracting as hell.

"I can't wait to get out of this shit hole after graduation, no more maths. Thank god" she exaggerated as she layed the book down infront of her as she sat across from me.

"You'll miss it once we leave" I laughed I little as I began highlighting parts of the book that were of importance.

"The only thing I'll miss is spending everyday with my bestfriend" she sighed.

Way to make this into a depressing situation

"We'll still get to see eachother Izzy, we can always visit each others colleges" I smiled brightly.

"But you're going to a college in England, Mia" she said before a voice interrupted our conversation from behind me.

"What do you mean you're going to college in England?" Colby's voice asked in a confused manner.

Turning to look at him he was holding a stack of books.

"It has nothing to do with you" I rolled my eyes before turning back round.

"It does when we had a pack to go to the same college in New Jersey" he argued, surprisingly not raising his voice.

"What do you want Colby? I mean what would your fuckbuddies think about you if they saw you nerding around in the library instead of playing soccer?" Izzy defended me, throwing shade at him.

I tried to hide my smirk as I looked away from Colby, looking at the entrance of the library.

My eyes layed onto Shawn as he walked in with another English teacher, Mrs Moore. Shawn's muscles flexed as he held the big stack of heavy books that we had been previously reading in class.

As his head turned he eyes latched onto me. After a few seconds he smiled at me but it eventually faded as his eyes spotted Colby who was still behind me.

"It's fine" I mouthed to him which he nodded at before continuing with what he had come in here to do.

"Please don't tell me you're serious about England though Mia. You can't go, I won't let you" Colby pleaded as he dropped the books down onto the table.

"You can't stop her" Izzy interjected before I could say anything.

"I'm her boyfriend, she has to listen to me" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Correction, was my boyfriend" I interrupted before sharply standing up so we were stood inches away from eachother.

"You aren't serious?" He rose an eyebrow.

"I'm damn serious Colby, now just fucking leave" I said harshly.

Colby went to reach for me which I obviously flinched at before taking a step back.

Looking back at him he gave me a confused look.

"Did you think I was going to hit you?" He said shamefully.

"Please go Colby" I sighed before looking down at my feet.

[Shawn's POV]

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