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Song of the chapter: Question by Alex Aiono

"How much do you know about pythagoris?" Liam asked as he looked down at me through his circular glasses.

"That it stupidly involves the alphabet" I rolled my eyes.

Liam let out a laugh as he peered over at me before turning a few pages of the maths book.

"Well you are correct in that" he shook his head through a wide grin.

Liam Murphy was his name, he use to be a senior here but he now attends our local college, even after being there for like four years. He majors in Maths, meaning he took on tutoring me.

"A squared plus B squared equals C squared. Does that make any sense to you?" Liam questioned, as he rested the pencil between his fingers.

"You're literally just saying words to me" I shook my head as Liam again laughed.

"You know? It would be much easier for us both if you would just try atleast act interested" Liam rose his eyebrows at me, a goofy smile across his lips.

"I'm sorry, I just hate maths" I apologized, letting out a sigh.

"I know you do but to atleast pass you need to let me help yourself" he smiled as he pushed the quif of his hair up.

"And I truly appreciate you trying to help but it's useless, I'm terrible with numbers" I groaned.

"And I'm terrible with English but I got tutored and ended up getting a B so I'm sure you can do the same" he motivated.

"But that's you, you're Liam Murphy for christ sake. You were literally the smartest guy in school" I smiled, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Only for my senior year, before that I was a complete dumb arse. I just studied my arse off all summer before senior year because I knew that if I didn't get my life sorted then I was gonna seriously fail" he explained, still with that innocent smile prominent on his face.

"I find that hard to believe" I playfully rolled my eyes.

He nudged his shoulder against mine causing a smirk to fall onto my lips.

Looking back at him I caught him already staring at me, his dimples being so clear as they pierced against his cheeks.

His blonde hair was curly as it quiffed over his forehead, his circular glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

He was one of those attractive nerds who everyone actually crushed on when he was at our school. Before becoming smart and actually caring about school Liam was one of the jocks, much like Hayes to be honest yet he changed dramatically into a much loved student.

Liam was one of my brothers best mates back in the day but once my brother left college to work a full time position at Velastro's Gym they both barely had the time to hang out anymore. They officially fell out once Caleb found out that Nadia was pregnant, Liam felt pushed away and he didn't agree with having a child at an age of only 19.

Liam stayed at college, where he was nearly finishing all his training for becoming a Maths teacher.

I guess you could say that they both chose very different career paths

"To me Mia, you will still always be that 14 year old girl who use to have posters of the Jonas Brothers up on her walls" Liam smirked as he adjusted the glasses on his face.

"And I'll always see you as the guy who use to bath with my brother" I rose my eyebrows at him causing him to let out a gasp before putting his hand over my mouth.

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