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Song of the chapter- If I get my way by Little Mix

It was our last day in Montreal and today we had decided to go into town. I had already called my Mum this morning to let her know how everything was going, her still believing that Grayson and I had gone away for the week to a nearby camp for some fake photography project.

"I hate the smell of roses" I stated as I closed the lid of one of the perfumes on the shelf.

"Why?" Shawn asked as smelt he different aftershaves.

"I don't know really, they are just so cliche" I shrugged before picking up another perfume.

"What do you think of this?" Shawn asked as he held an aftershave bottle in front of my nose.

Smelling it I smiled.

"I like it"

He also smiled before taking the perfume in his hands and walking over to the counter.

"Did you want anything?" Shawn asked as he placed it on the counter so it could be payed for.

"No I'm good" I smiled before holding onto his arm comfortably.

He smiled down at me before exchanging a few words with the lady and then payed on his card. She then handed him a small bag with his aftershave in to which he thanked her and then we were back out onto the streets.

"Are you hungry? Because I know a good place round here which you'll love" Shawn beamed.

"When am I not hungry?" I scoffed.

Shawn laughed before taking hold of my hand and leading me towards some sort of cafe or restaurant.

Once we entered I could instantly smell food and ofcourse that made me even more hungry. Shawn led me over to a table by the window, one of which overlooked the street so you could watch all the people walk past.

"What's this place called?" I asked as Shawn handed me a menu.

"Sail West. I use to always come here as a kid with my grandparents and Aaliyah. It was a tradition every year at Christmas" Shawn explained with a smile.

"We use to do something like that back home. Every year after our yearly panto my Nan and Grandad would take the three of us to a really fancy restaurant" I smiled.

"A panto?" Shawn furrowed his eyebrows.

I laughed before shaking my head in disapproval.

"It's actually called a pantomime but it's much like going to the theatre but it's more fun and festive. It's always set on a tale or story that you grew up with as a kid" I explained and Shawn rose his eyebrows, smirking.

"I'll take you to one, it can be our next date" I grinned.

"Our next date is going to be at a kids story show thing?" Shawn smirked.

"Yes it is" I smiled proudly.

Shawn laughed before shaking his head and setting his menu down.

"You're so lucky I'm in love with you Aniston" Shawn grinned widely.

My eyes beamed even more at him as my smile growed bigger and bigger.

I lent forward in my chair as I remained eye contact with him.

I then quickly pecked my lips against his but before I could pull away he deepened the kiss into a much more passionate and longer one. I felt my cheeks burn as he smirked into the kiss.

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