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Song of the chapter: Both of US by B.o.B featuring Taylor Swift


I kept shaking my leg up and down as I waited anxiously in one of the waiting room chairs.

I had already been here for 2 hours and I hadn't been allowed to see Colby once, he was still having tests run on him.

I played nervously with my fingers as I interviewed my hands together waiting for any sort of information from the doctors.

Hearing footsteps get closer I shot my head up, only for my eyes to be met with Shawn's as he walked directly towards me.

"Yeah I wish I was the doctor too" he said reading my mind as he handed me a small coffee before taking a seat on the chair next to me.

Taking the small coffee from him I didn't say any bring as he let out a loud sigh.

"Have you heard anything from the doctors yet?" He asked as he lent forward in his chair.

"No they're still running tests" I shook my head before a small sip from the hot liquid in the cup.

He nodded before silence fell between us again, well that's what I thought.

"Has anyone asked if you're okay?" He asked softly causing my head to slowly looked up at him.

"I'm okay" I whispered as his eyes turned to look at me.

"When you're ready to leave I'll take you home. I'll stay here all night if I have to" Shawn gave me a comforting and serious look, causing my whole body to heat up.

The way he spoke always made me feel safe and at peace.

"You don't need to wait up for me, I can get a taxi" I shook my head before letting out a yawn.

"No, I insist on staying. Colby's parents are out of town and there's no way I'm letting you sit here alone. I'll be here the whole night" he gave me a small and reassuring smile.

"Thankyou" I bit my lip through a very small smile, fighting back the urge to cry.

"Come here" he opened his arms, inviting my body to hug his his.

Without a second thought I let his arms wrap around me as I layed my small hands on his warm back, his strong arms wrapping around me.

I let out a few sniffles as I let a few tears fall from my red stained eyes, the comfort of his hands rubbing up and down my back.

"He'll be fine, I promise you that" he whispered into my ear as he moved my hair behind my ear.

"I cry way to much infront of you" I let out a small laugh as I pulled out of the hug, rubbing the tears from my eyes.

"As much as I love to see you happy and smiling, I love the feeling of comforting you when you're sad" Shawn explained through a small smile as he rested his head on his propped up hand.

"Shawn-" I sighed before his finger cut me off as it gently rested again my lips.

"Don't say anything, just enjoy it" he whispered into my ear before pulling away and looking away from me.

I bit my lip to myself from smirking as I watched the smirk spread across his lips, him trying to hide it as he itched his top lip.


Feeling a gentle shake on my shoulder I fluttered my tired eyes open as my vision returned to normal.

Wiping my eyes I gentle sat up to look at Shawn who was smiling down at me, my head now off his shoulder.

"What?" I asked tiredly as I wiped my hand through my messy hair.

"Nothing, but just thought I'd tell you that the doctors came by while you were asleep" Shawn explained as shut the newspaper in his hands.

"And you didn't wake me up?" I groaned.

"There was no point in waking you up, the doctor told me that we wouldn't be able to see Colby till the morning because we're not family and it's past visiting hours anyway. I thought that I should just let you sleep" He said as his brown eyes beamed down at me.

Laying my head lazily back onto his shoulder I let out another loud groan.

"That's a load of crap" I cursed as I let out an annoyed sigh.

"That's what I said but they're the doctors and we can't really argue with them, I'm sure they know what they're doing" Shawn shrugged.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's heading to around one in the morning" Shawn answered.

"Oh fuck, my Mum's going to be worried sick" I groaned.

"Your brother called her at the game, she knows where you are" Shawn replied.

I let out a thankful sigh before lifting my head off Shawn's shoulder so I could look at him.

"Have you been asleep?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nope because quite frankly I'm not tired, now let's get you home because I know for a fact that you're tired" Shawn smiled before getting up and holding his hand out which I looked at in confusion.

"Just take the fucking hand Mia, it's called being nice" Shawn laughed

I playfully rolled my eyes before placing my hand into his as he pulled me up, however I didn't let go of his hand the whole time we walked to the car. Instead I held onto it more tightly, it made me feel somewhat safe to have his hold.

"Mia? You can let go now" Shawn laughed quietly from behind me as I stood next to the opened car door, that I hadn't even realised that Shawn had opened for me.

"Oh what? I'm sorry" I shook my head embarrisngly before letting go of Shawn's hand.

Just as I was about to turn and get into the car I felt Shawn's hand twirl me around as he held back onto my hand. Twirling round I felt my chest against his, both our chests rising up and down from the sudden heat between us.

Looking up at him our faces were inches away from eachother as his piercing eyes caught me in a trance.

"I know that you can feel it too" he whispered.

As the night hung heavily above us I felt bliss array around the two of us as his hand rose to the side of my cheek.

As his thumb traced my cheek bone I felt my breath hitch, my heart beat becoming faster and louder.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something I felt his lips crash onto mine, the soft taste of his plump lips fitting so perfectly against mine.

Our eyes both closed as our lips remained comfortably against one another's.

It didn't fill wrong, it felt right

His thumb still soothed down the side of my face as his hand remained cupping my cheek.

I pushed my lips stronger against his as I began kissing back. His breath hitched at my sudden domination to take control as I rose my hands to his shirt, holding tightly onto the material.

I felt my legs become weak at his precious touch as his hands rested so gently against my skin, no uneasy moves but instead just pure grace and lust.

Without being to hold it in anymore I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

Opening my eyes I felt his lips move off mine as he already gazed back down at me with lustful eyes.

His smile was so pure as he looked at me warmly.

"Let's go" he smiled shyly before walking his way round to his side of the car.

As I got into the car I couldn't help but smile at the moment we had just shared.

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