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Song of the chapter- Please Don't Say You Love Me by Gabrielle Aplin

The whole car ride was completely silent as Shawn drove us right into the centre of the city, keeping us far away from where we lived.

I didn't question where we were going because I understood that he probably wanted to be far away from our town as possible so we wouldn't see anyone who knows us.

I remained looking forward as we continued to drive along the highway, the snow falling heavy onto the window.

Shawn's wind shield wipers were going at full speed as they wiped away the snow rapidly.

"You know if you keep letting them go that fast then they're just going to fly off" I said casually as I comfortably lent against the side of the car, folding my arms over my chest for more warmth.

I heard a small laugh come from Shawn causing my eyes to peer over at him.

"It's either that or I can't see where I'm going" he chuckled lightly and I just rolled my eyes before looking away from him.

I then heard him sigh causing me to roll my eyes again as I stared out of my window.

"You can't just say that and not expect me to laugh" Shawn sighed.

"Yeah well you can't cheat on me and not expect me to still be pissed" I said harshly and I heard him let out an aggravated groan.

"Would you just stop with that?" He groaned.

Looking over at him I glared intensely at him, his eyes remaining forward. His jaw was locked tight and his hands were holding tightly onto the steering wheel.

"Stop with what? Stating the truth?" I said arrogantly.

"Stop trying to make me feel worse then I already do" he scoffed, shooting daggers at me before quickly looking back to the road.

"Oh please, fucking get over yourself Shawn" I rolled my eyes.

He didn't say anything but instead I just felt the car come to a swerved stop as he pulled up to the side of the road.

"Run out of gas?" I said sarcastically as I unplugged my seat belt.

"Why the fuck did you come to my house Mia? What are you trying to do to me?" Shawn snapped, turning his engine off sharply.

"What am I trying to do to you? What about what you did to me? You broke me at the worst time possible Shawn and you didn't give a fuck about it!" I shouted at him, my hand gestures flying all over the place.

I watched as his eyes widened and his eyes knitted together in confusion at me.

"What the actual hell?" He shook his head at me, as if I was the stupid one.

"I fucking cared" he said as he neared his body closer to mine, his face directly infront of mine.

"I care a fucking lot"

His eyes were firing red at me yet I didn't budge. I just remained looking him dead in the eye as if he had no control over me and what I felt for him.

He was angry, and so was I. But I didn't get his anger, he had no right to be angry at me. He's the one who screwed up and he knows it.

"Then why did you do it?" I asked, my voice quiet as I bit down on my lip to hold back any tears.

I didn't want to cry infront of him, I didn't want his pity nor his guilt. He didn't deserve to see any part of how I felt.

"I was drunk and stupid, I just wasn't thinking" he sighed before moving his face away from mine and slumping back into his chair.

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