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Song of the chapter- Diamonds by Rihanna

Laying in bed I was surprisingly awake before Shawn. It was about 9 in the morning and it was too cold to move from under the duvet.

Shawn had his head resting on my chest as slept, while I played with the curls of his hair.

I had the whole house to myself all weekend because as you can already possibly guess, my Mum is yet again at another work convention.

Today was quite busy, Shawn and I were going to go to the beach while tonight I'm babysitting Eden for Caleb and Nadia.

Feeling Shawn begin to stir his face muffled into the jumper I slept in. Laughing a little I continued to glide my fingers through his hair.

One thing I had realised about Shawn was that he craved affection and attention, he craved to be loved to feel love.

"Why are you not still asleep?" Shawn's voice muffled, as he didn't move his face.

"Well it's nine in the morning and it got cold in here so I couldn't fall back to sleep" I shrugged, a smile pursing my lips.

"Well come here there and lay in my arms, I'm warm" Shawn tiredly whispered as he opened his arms, gesturing for me to crawl into his hold.

I playfully rolled my eyes before grinning at sleepy self. Removing myself from under his head, I sunk lower down the bed until I found my way into Shawn's arms.

As soon as I got into his hold, his arms comfortably wrapped around me. His head now buried itself into my neck as I looked down at his face.

His eyes were closed, but he was awake. His fingers patterned up and down my arm as his hot breath hit against the skin of my neck.

Morning Shawn was my favorite thing to wake up to. He was always so adorable with how he spoke and acted, his touch could comfort anybody.

"Do you still wanna go to the beach today, or would you rather just stay here?" I asked.

After a few seconds he finally replied.

"Yeah I still wanna go, just a few more minutes and then I'll get up".

Laughing a little I felt his head begin to shift until it was infront of me. His eyes were now open, for some reason being incredibly green in the mornings, not to mention how clear his lazy eye looked.

Amongst the brightness of his eyes, I could still see the tiredness lifting from them.

He looked at me for a few more seconds before giving me a tired smile.

"Morning" he smiled in a rough voice.

Got to love a guys morning voice.

"Morning" I smiled, moving my hand so it was resting on his cheek as my thumb rubbed along the lobe of his ear.

"Did you sleep okay?" I smiled, our voices being comfortably quiet.

"I slept perfectly fine" Shawn smiled gratefully at me before leaning in and pressing his lips softly against mine.

Once he pulled away I smiled even warmer at him, I never thought loving him would be this easy but it was.

Shit, I do love him. I know I love him, every thing I felt for him is much more then love.

"I love you" I smiled, no thoughts or hesitation stopping me.

I knew it caught him off guard before his smile faded, complete shock replacing his expression.

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