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Song of the chapter: Say you won't let go by James Arthur, covered by Camila Cabello and Machine Gun Kelly

[Shawn's POV]

The night couldn't have been going more perfect as Mia and I now sat in the local sports bar. The dinner was amazing, full of laughter and jokes as the conversation never stopped between us. Every now and again I would catch myself staring so hopelessly at her, not being able to look anywhere else.

And sometimes she would notice me staring too, her cheeks would always fluster and turn pink.

I found everything about her so mesmoring and the beauty of her wasn't comparable to anything else. I never thought that I could admire someone as much as I did her and not once did I ever think that my heart could belong to someone else.

Maybe, just maybe, my heart was finally letting me move on

That's when her loud laugh bought me back to reality. My eyes fell onto her as she sat on the bar stools next to me laughing at something from across the room.

Smiling widely I lent close to her before whispering in her ear.

"What's so funny?" I couldn't help but laugh as I realised the alcohol was now taking its affect on her.

Yes she was too young to drink but we lied about her age and when she's not in Toronto we lie that she is the age of 21, and to be honest Mia was very mature so no one would question it.

"Look at those two guys over there" she laughed as she lent her head back so it was against my shoulder.

Following her eyes I looked to over to see two guys arguing with eachother over at the pool table. They were very dramatic as they argued back and fourth, their campness radiating off them.

It was quite funny to watch as they both tried to argue over the top of each other, obviously arguing about something ridiculous as the people around them laughed at them.

I laughed lightly before picking up my beer from the side and taking a sip of it.

"I've nearly finished my drink" Mia frowned as she went to pick to pick up her drink which was practically empty.

I chuckled as she lifted her head up before looking at me.

"I'll buy you another one babe, it's no problem" I laughed and as I said that I watched as a smile widened onto her face.

"You just called me babe" she smirked, her eyes gleaming brightly at me.

"Yeah I did" I grinned before pecking my lips quickly against hers but she was soon to latch her lips onto mine so I couldn't pull away.

Instead I found myself infatuated with her. Neither of us were into PDA and I think the only reason that we were both actually kissing right now was due to the fact that we were intoxicated with alcohol.

I let my eyes close as our lips moved in motion with eachothers. I didn't have a care in the world right now and that was the only time I could say it.

"Shawn?" That's when my name was called.

Pulling my lips of Mia's I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before opening my eyes as I turned my head to see who had called my name.

Looking to my left a smile instantly grew onto my face as I saw my childhood bestfriend standing there with a beer in his hand. It was Dylan, Dylan Scott.

Jumping off my seat I walked over to him before giving him a bro hug.

"You didn't tell me you were back in town, when the hell did you get back?" He beamed as he looked me up  and down, just to see if I had changed.

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