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Song of the chapter: Flights by Jack and Jack

The closer we neared to Shawn's Grandad's hospital room door, I felt my palms become more sweaty as I clenched tighter onto Shawn's hand.

Shawn noticed my growing nerves as his thumb soothed along my knuckles.

"Don't be worried Mia, they'll love you. I promise" Shawn whispered as he threw me a smile once I looked up at him.

"But they're your grandparents Shawn. They cherish their grandchildren, what if I'm not good enough?" I worried as I listed possibilities of it going wrong.

That's when Shawn came to a sudden halt as he stood infront of me, now taking hold of both of my hands. His expression had now turned serious as he looked down at me, a small frown tugging at his lips.

"I told you before and I'll say it again, don't ever think you're not enough for anyone. You're amazing Mia and not only I see that, but so does everyone else. They'll love you because I love you, you've got nothing to worry about" Shawn whispered before smiling at the end once saying that he loved me.

I sighed before giving him a small smile. Shawn then lent forward and pressed his lips onto my forehead before leading me to the door of where is Grandad was.

He hit a few knocks against it, to make himself present, before pushing down on the handle and opening the door.

As he walked in first I followed him in, as he never let his hand fall from mine.

Shutting the door behind me I heard his Grandparents cheery voices. Turning around his Grandma sat on a chair beside the bed as his Grandad say on a chair next to her.

"Shawn, you're here! Boy am I happy to see you!" His Grandad beamed through his rusty voice as he carefully stood up.

Shawn quickly let go of my hand before rushing over to his Grandad as he helped him stand up so he was steady on his feet.

I smiled widely at how much Shawn cared for his family, the love he had for everyone was radiating everywhere.

"I had to come see you before I leave" Shawn laughed as he hugged his Grandad.

Once they parted he lent down and kissed his Grandma on the cheek, who still sat down, before walking back over to me.

That's when I felt everyone's eyes on me, I hated this. I hated being the centre of attention in these sort of situations.

"Grandad, Grandma this is my beautiful girlfriend Mia" Shawn smiled widely down at me before looking back at his Grandparents, now resting his hand on my lower back.

I smiled at the two of theme as they both gave me a sweet and comforting smile.

"So you're the girl who stole my Grandson's heart?" His Nan asked causing me to shyly smile as I looked down at my feet before back at her.

"I couldn't help myself Mrs Mendes, you're Grandson is quite a charmer" I grinned, as I finally settled in with the smiles they were giving me.

"That's what I've always said, but you see his only ever had one girlfriend in his life before you. Now come here dear and I'll tell you all about our lovely Shawn" she beamed.

"Gran..." Shawn groaned as I walked away from him and over to a spare seat before sitting next to his Nan.

[Shawn's POV]

I could barely pay any attention to what my Grandad was saying as I could watch was Mia from across the room.

She was sat with my Nan, the two of them now sat on the ledge of the window, as she laughed loudly at whatever my Nan was telling her.

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