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Song of the chapter: No Control by One Direction

When Shawn sang it gave me a feeling that I had never experienced before. His voice is so angelic, yet at the same time it can make you feel the most powerful and overwhelmed that you have ever felt before. His voice makes you feel like nothing else matters in the World, he makes you forget about the people around you and instead makes your focus become glued onto his whole perplexity. It didn't matter that he was performing infront of one person or thousands of people, it only mattered that he had the same passion and drive for whoever he's singing for.

"Mia?" Someone's hand waved infront of my face, bringing me back from my thoughts.

Blinking a couple of times Hayes and Colby were laughing from the side of me as I sat next to Colby, both of us on his hospital bed.

"Oh sorry, what was that?" I turned my head to look at them both as Hayes reached to grab popcorn from where he sat on another chair.

"Your face has turned so red" Colby chuckled as he pushed himself up.

"Yeah, who you thinking about?" Hayes wiggled his eyebrows at me before pressing play on the film.

"I'm thinking about Danny Zuco" I lied with a devilish smile as I shoved popcorn into my mouth, laying my eyes onto the screen and grease played.

"Yeah right, you never had a big crush on him when we watched it before" Colby laughed as I layed my legs over his.

"I'm keeping an open mind" I smirked as I looked up at him a little, moving my head onto his shoulder.

As his eyes looked down at me he gave me a grin before looking back at the TV. I remained staring up at him, moving my eyes along his jawline. My eyes then fell onto his dry lips as he bit his bottom lip.

I wanted those warm lips on mine again, just the comfort of his touch around me again but I knew it was wrong. It was wrong because I was dating Shawn, I was illegally dating Shawn.


I was rudely awakened from the bright screen of my phone flashing against my face. Straining my eyes open I let my blurry vision settle before reaching next to me and grabbing my phone. As the phone screen remained lit up a text was across my screen, a text from Shawn.

I need to see you at lunch tomorrow Xx - Shawn

I couldn't help but smile at the two kisses at the end of text as I slid my thumb over it to unlock my phone. The message was sent 2 hours ago, meaning that there was no way that Shawn was going to be awake, after all it was already 1 in the morning. 

I'll be there Xx - Mia

Once I had messaged Shawn back I turned my phone off before carefully pushing myself up. Brushing my hand through my messy hair I yawned as I turned my head to look at the boys. Colby had his head buried into the pillow as his hand rested on my leg, while Hayes slumped back in his chair in a rather loud sleep.

Looking down at Colby's hand he slowly soothed his thumb along my skin, it's something he had always done with me. It gave him a sense of comfort and security just like how I felt when I was with Shawn. Moving his hand off my leg I swung my legs round before pushing myself up from the bed but as I did I felt the warmth of Colby's hand connect ever so gently against my wrist. 

Turning my head round Colby's eyes tiredly looked up at me as he still layed his head against his pillow, his hair spreading out in all different kinds of directions. I gave him a small smile as his eyes blinked slowly at the defeat of sleep.

"Where you going?" His gravily voice softly asked as he slid his hand done my wrist before it rested on the top of my hand. 

"I've got school in a few hours so I should really get home" I gave him a small smile.

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