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Song of the chapter: Like I can by Sam Smith

Sitting on the hanging bench outside the front of Hayes' house I held my phone up to my ear as I appreciated the sound of Shawn's voice. Once I saw that he was calling me only him took over all my thoughts and feelings, my previous feeling of excitement and joy evolving into elation.

Hugging my knees up to my chest I sat alone outside, muffled music coming from inside the house. It was cold outside, the wind slightly blowing through my hair as the air remained dry and suttle.

"Listen, I'm sorry I haven't called or texted you. I just thought that you'd want to spend time with your family without any interruptions" I apologized, twirling my hair around my finger.

 "No I'm sorry Mia, I should have at least texted you that everything was okay. I was just super busy and barely had anytime to just pick up my phone. It's just been really hectic here the past few days" Shawn sighed

"You don't have to apologize Shawn, I understand that it's probably a difficult time for you and your family right now. How is he?" I asked, showing clear comfort in my voice.

"He's as good as he can get at the moment, he's getting stronger in the legs so hopefully he could be out by the end of the weekend if all keeps going well" I could clearly hear the gratify in his words.

"That is really good Shawn" I smiled.

"And do you know what else is good?" He smirked through the phone.

"What?" I laughed before leaning my head back, onto the bench.

"That hopefully I can see you on Sunday" he replied, the cheer so evident in his voice.

I laughed lightly, my eyes watching the silent road.

[Shawn's POV]

Just hearing her laugh shot a tingling feeling all through my body. All I could imagine was the smile on her face as she spoke to softly and cheery.

My smile only enbrightened as I heard her voice. Sitting on my window seel, I took in every word and breath she gave.

"You really don't know how much I miss you Aniston" I smiled into the phone.

Again her laughter lightly echoed back.

"Why would you miss me? I mean I'm so annoying and I'm only a distraction from your job" she teased making a smirk broaden onto my face.

"Well I highly disagree with that because if I could I would spend all my time with you" I grinned.

"Actually why don't you come up here for the weekend? I can come pick you up tonight so you won't have to drive this late"

There was a pause, only her slow breathing coming through the phone.

"I don't think that's a good idea Shawn, what will your parents think? I don't think I'm even ready to meet them" she sighed.

"And you won't have to. We'll just stay in a hotel, I'll just tell my parents that I needed space. On the plus side I can maybe show you around where I grew up. If you're worried about people seeing us together then don't because we'll be on the otherside of Canada" I explained, showing reassurance and understanding in my voice.

"I really don't know Shawn, plus I promised Colby that I'd go to that support group tomorrow with him" she hesitated.

"I could pick you up afterwards, it would be just one night Mia. One night of just us two being on our own actually being able to go out in public and do what normal couples do" I smiled, trying to persuade her.

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