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Song of the chapter- Naked by James Arthur

"I can't believe this" Grayson sighed heavily as he stood across the living room, while I sat down on the sofa.

I didn't say anything but instead I looked down at my hands as I fiddled with the ends of Shawn long hoodie sleeves.

"Who made the first move?" He asked but I shook my head as I looked anxiously up at him.

"It doesn't matter" I said.

"No it does matter Mia. It matters a lot. Now did he make a move on you first?" Grayson asked dissaprovingly.

"Yeah he did, but I wanted him too. It was mutual Gray" I sighed.

"This is so messed up Mia, you're 17 and he's your 23 year old teacher. This isn't normal and you're two manipulated by him to see how wrong all of this is" Grayson patronized.

"None of this is wrong! Just because he has the title of being my teacher does not mean he can't be anymore then that. I love him Grayson and he loves me too, we couldn't help any of this" I exclaimed, throwing my hands forward in frustration.

"Would you seriously listen to yourself right now? You can't love him, he's your teacher and he should know better. He doesn't love you, he's just using you because that's what guys like him do. They take underage girls and make them fall in love with then just so they can use them for their own personal needs!" Grayson shouted as his eyes burned against me.

"You don't know anything about him! He's not like that, he's never pulled anything like that on me! He cares about me and loves me, I know he does. You just won't ever understand that because you won't ever see past him being our teacher" I said harshly, feeling tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Then why the hell did he leave you crying? If he cares then why would he do that?" Grayson asked, raising his voice slightly.

"It doesn't matter" I shook my head, a small tear dropping from my face and onto the floor, as I looked down.

"It does matter Mia, it matters to me" Grayson sighed as I heard his footsteps walking over the floor.

I shook my head before wiping my tears away with my sleeves.

"Yeah but it's not your business so I'd really appreciate it if you stopped talking about it" I said as I looked up at Grayson, him now sitting next to me.

He gave me a sympathetic, yet disappointed, look as he placed his hand gently on the back of my neck. He soothed his thumb against my skin as more tears threatened to fall.

"Please don't try to split us up Grayson, we can't lose each other" I looked him straight in the eyes.

Grayson stayed silent for a little while before eventually nodding.

"I would never do anything that could hurt you. I may not agree with it but I've just got to trust that how you feel is right" he gave me a small comforting smile.

I smiled greatfully before letting him hold me in his arms, hugging me gently as I let my silent tears fall onto his shoulder.


The next few days were lonely and I had never felt more pushed away. Shawn didn't turn up at school the day after out fight and yet after two days later we were still stuck with a substitute teacher.

I had called and tried to text him but he wouldn't reply, he'd hang up and leave my messages on read. I had no clue where he was and I was worried sick about him and us.

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