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Song of the chapter- Need You Now by Lady Antebellum

[Shawn's POV]

Sitting in my classroom it was now lunch time and I was left alone, my door shut to block out any possible noise.

I just stared at the folder layed infront of me, sitting behind my desk in anxiety as to what I was about to read.

I know that Mr Peters had told me that the students had said good stuff about me but for some reason I felt nervous to know how much I was depended on by them.

Taking my finger onto the top of the folder I let out a deep breath before turning over on onto the first page.

The first page was of a student I didn't know so I continued to flick through the pages until I came across any familiar names.

And as soon as I read the name of the next students statement, I felt a smile pull onto my lips.

12th of October, 2017

Student: Hayes Preston

When asked about what he enjoyed about school he mentioned his English teacher, Mr Mendes. In exact words Hayes said 'I don't get along with Mr Mendes too well but I definitely like him, he's got a good humour and never fails to push me to do more'.

I couldn't help but have a big grin on my face as I read what he had said about me. I felt the goose bumps form onto my arms as I rubbed the back of my neck,

I felt some sort of emotional pain begin to hit me in the pit of my stomach. Hayes and I always bickered but it was a student and teacher relationship like no other. We equally taunted with eachother but knew where the line eventually drew.

It just meant alot to know that he did actually respect me and what I do. He always likes to make his pride a priority by putting an act on but after what I witnessed, almost a week ago, that was no longer visible to me.

I read on and on, reading more of my other students statements about me and each time it wouldn't fail to make me smile or laugh.

And then the pain hit harder as I read the one name which bought back a whole revelation of heartache.

Reading the date I remembered how this was the night that she completely broke down infront of me over what Liam did to her.

10th of December 2017

Student: Mia Ansiton

During Mia's meeting with us she talked about her future and her past, her past of how much better she was doing after the passing of her Dad. We asked her about what part of school has been a major help on her improvement and she replied with her friends and teachers, particularly her English teacher Mr Mendes.

My heart squeezed together together, feeling like it could drop any second.

'Mr Mendes is the only teacher who I've ever felt that I could relate to. He understands what it's like to be our age and gets us. He sees something in me and that's all I ever wanted from anyone'.

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