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Song of the chapter- Want to want me by Jason Derulo

Pulling my long sleeved black dress over my body I adjusted it so it resting midthigh. Brushing my hands through my curled hair I then placed a pair of metal, red gem incrusted, devil horns upon my head.

Tonight was the party of the year, the great Halloween house party which someone from our grade would host every year. This year it was Izzy's turn and let's just when it comes to her and parties she goes all out.

"Ready for some heavy drinking tonight? I've been looking forward to this for months" Izzy beamed as she walked into her bedroom carrying a bottle of wine and a bottle of beer.

"I at least want to remember what happened tonight when I wake up in the morning" I laughed as she passed me the beer.

We both popped the lids of our bottles before taking a sip of our drinks, by that I mean me taking a sip and Izzy taking a swig.

"I don't, tonight is gonna be a night of regrets which I wish to forget" Izzy smirked causing me to playfully roll my eyes, as I instantly knew what she was replying.


Walking down the stairs, I held one of my hands along the banister while I held my beer in the other.

"Look who's already on her third beer, where the hell have you been all night?" Colby smirked as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, his hands in his pockets.

Focusing my eyes more onto him I smiled back before playing rolling my eyes.

"Well I just finished the finale of Hell's Kitchen and there's no way I could miss it" I replied as I reached where he was standing.

Turning to face him he gave me a wide grin as he bit the bottom of his lip. He always did this to try and get my attention but for once it didn't faze me or make me attracted to him. I was well and truly over him and had moved on.

"So now your mine all night? I mean I kind of need your help with something" Colby smiled before grabbing hold of my hand and practically dragging me the whole way through the house until we were in the garden.

Finally getting outside Colby came to a stop before turning around to look at me.

"So there's this girl here who is so hot and I really need you to go talk to her for me" he grinned nervously at me.

"Wow you got straight to the point, but why can't you talk to her? I mean who doesn't want to talk to a Frankenstein?" I laughed before gesturing to his costume.

He chuckled back at me before rolling his eyes.

"Well she's not from our school and I atleast want to know if she has a boyfriend before I go over and embarrass myself" he explained.

Looking over at the girl, he was talking about, she was standing with a red cup taking to a few people. She had long straight blonde hair and was the typical tall popular girl, the one you'd find in one of those highschool chick flicks.

Not to mention she was wearing a tight red dress, almost allowing you to see up her arse, while she wore knee high black boots.

"You sure you want to get with her? I mean she doesn't exactly look classy" I rose my eyebrows at Colby and he just laughed before again shaking his head.

"Never judge a book by its cover Mia, she could be even nicer then you" he smirked.

"Yeah she could but she'll never be more classy and pretty then me" I scoffed before playfully rolling my eyes to which Colby laughed at.

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