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Song of the chapter: Sorry by Halsey


As I ran track I felt the hot sweat sink from my forehead. I hated running and even though I had the legs to do it, I still hated any form of time and pressure to do something.

As each foot bounced against the grass I was pushed further along the track. I would in the lead of all the other girls in my class which made me feel good until it came to running past the boys in my class who were separated and doing lacrosse.

"Wait up Mia!" I heard Izzy shout from behind me in exhaustion.

Turning around I couldn't help but laugh as I saw her struggling behind me.

"Sorry Izzy, but I need to pass gym!" I shouted back before turning back round to continue running but just as I was about to I felt my body fall into someone.

Just as I was about to fall all the way onto the ground I felt a strong pair of hands hold onto my arms before gently pulling me up so I was stable on my feet.

Looking up from my feet I was faced with Shawn. I took deep breaths as I tried to regain my break back.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" I sighed as I put my hands on my head so my blood could flow better.

"I had a free period and Mr Furrow isn't here to take his gym class today so they put me on sub for his class" he answered as we walked off the track so we weren't in the way.

"Still doesn't explain while you were on the track, in which by the way you just ruined my chances of breaking my record time" I rolled my eyes not caring about what he had just said.

"One of the boys threw the ball onto the track so I thought that it'd be better for me to come and get it rather then one of them" he rose one his eyebrows at me, trying to make me smile.

"Well you can leave now because I've got cheer practice to get to" I said before folding my arms.

"I'm sorry Mia, I didn't know. I thought that you were just running for fun and yes that sounds stupid because I hate running" he laughed.

"Who the hell runs for fun?" I scoffed before looking back onto everyone running and playing lacrosse, no one even noticing that Shawn and I were talking.

"Obviously not us" he smirked.

I couldn't help but smile as I shook my head, looking away from him.

"Now I should get back to my class before Hayes rips one of the nets again. I'll see you in class" he smiled before picking up the ball and began walking in the opposite way, back to the pitch.

"Oh and Sh-" I shouted before realising where we were.

"Mr Mendes?" I shouted as I corrected myself.

"Yes?" He answered as he turned to look at me, sending me the most purest smile.

"What are we doing in class?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he laughed before turning back round and jogging away.


Walking out of the changing rooms I had just finished another hour of cheer practice for the big game tomorrow night. I had a few minutes before I had to get to the last class of my day, which was English.

As I walked out of the girls changing room the hallways were already full of people heading to their classes or going in their lockers.

Once reaching my locker I pulled it open before shoving my gym bag into it, once pulling out my English books. As I rumbled through my locker I heard loud shouting from the other end of the hallway.

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