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Song of the chapter: Hurts Like Hell by Fleurie

As I held Shawn's guitar I sat on the small step, trying to improve my guitar playing.

"When you hold that string down, twang your finger a bit so the chord echoes" Shawn suggested as he laid on his stomach next to me, music sheets spread infront of him.

Following what he said I pushed down on the string before shaking my finger a bit so the chord shook into an echo.

"There you go, just like that" Shawn smiled as his lustful brown eyes looked up at me.

"You play, you're way better at it then me" I laughed as I placed the guitar down next to me.

"I'm trying to find you a song to play on graudtion" he shook his head laughing.

"Let me see" I smiled as I kneeled next to him and began gliding my hand over the papers.

Taking one of the papers the title struck me. It was titled A Little Too Much.

"You wrote all of these?" I asked, impressed.

"Yeah, some of them I wrote years ago so they may sound a bit boring" Shawn sat up before resting his chin on my shoulder.

As I read the lyrics for A Little Too Much I felt the words hit me hard, they felt real and true to how some life experiences are.

She would always tell herself she could do this
She would use no help it would be just fine
But when it got hard she would lose her focus
So take my hand and we'll be alright

Tilting my head up to look at Shawn he was gazing down at the paper. I couldn't held but smile before placing a small kiss on his jawline. As his head turned to look at me he gave me a while smile, his eyes glistening into mine.

"Be careful Mia, you don't want someone catching us" he whispered as he moved his face closer to mine.

"Then get your face away from mine" I smirked as I flipped my head back to look at the lyrics.

I heard him groan as he lifted his chin off my shoulder before taking the paper from my hand.

"This is one of my favourites" Shawn stated as his large hand looked so different in size compared to mine.

"I can understand why, it sounds so real and meaningful" I smiled.

"That's because it is, I wrote it the night I found out that Alessia had died" he sighed as he placed the lyrics down.

"I remember it all so clearly"


[Shawn's POV]

I drove around hours on end, turning down every road in the city of Toronto, just praying to see Alessia somewhere just standing or sitting there.

"Alessia!" I shouted out the window just hoping for someone to stop and turn around, for their face to be hers.

My leg wouldn't stop moving up and down as my nerves ran high on where she was.

It had been 6 hours already since she walked out of the house after our argument and she hadn't been picking up any of my calls, let alone even just texting that she's okay.

It was around four in the afternoon and I was just craving to see her face, so much guilt was wrapped up inside of me from even raising my voice at her.

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