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Song of the chapter: Beating Heart by Ellie Goulding

[Colby's POV]

I knew that sometimes Mia took things either too dramatically or took them to heart.

I know I should have ran after her but I also know that when she gets in these frantic moods it's best to just leave her alone so all her emotions can settle.

She skipped fourth period and after ten minutes into English, last lesson of the day, my nerves became stronger in my chest.

Fiddling with my intertwined fingers I eagerly waited for Mia to walk through that classroom door, the door I hadn't once taken my eyes off.

"Do you know where Mia is?" Hayes whispered as he lent over the aisle from his seat.

"No" I muttered as I impatiently lent back in my chair.

I feel like her walking out of the cafeteria at lunch was an overreaction, I mean she didn't even give me a chance to explain; she just expected me to know the answer to every question she asked.

But I understood why she reacted the way she did, I mean she's had enough loss in her life to fill a room. She was just scared that I was going to be another loss to fill that room.

"While we wait for the last few late students to show up I need to address something quickly" Mr Mendes said over the class, gaining all our attention.

Diverting my eyes over to him he was infront of his desk, leaning against it with his arms folded.

He looked out at all of us, giving us all a look of dissapointment. I couldn't tell if it was disgust on his face, madness or just plain anger.

"I have become aware that over the weekend a video was sent out, a video of me and another person" he said, his voice serious and he was definitely pissed.

I could hear Hayes quiet laughing and smirking from the side of me, another jock also laughing from the side of him. I just ignored it and continued to listen to Mr Mendes.

"I do not appreciate having my private life being made the gossip of school" he rose his voice, I could see his fists tensing on the edge of the table.

"So what was it that made me kissing a girl so headline news? Huh? What fucking right do you have as a person to video something from my personal life, you want to answer that Hayes?" Mr Mendes officially snapped causing the whole room to fall silent.

Yes he was our teacher and teachers had a tendency to lose their tempers or patience which no one was fazed about, however from the tone of Mr Mendes voice  and the words he spoke it was as if he was just another student in our class.

Hayes eyes asserted onto Mr Mendes, but his smirk was still clear as day.

Mr Mendes eyes showed fire and almost as if he was in pain, not pain as in physically but instead emotionally.

"I asked you a question Hayes" Mr Mendes said sternly his eyes not falling off Hayes.

"How do you know that video came from me? I just passed it on" he shrugged, smirking through his teeth at how easy he thought it was to lie.

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