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Song of the chapter: Touch by Little Mix

For whole day I spent my time trying to avoid even any eye contact with Shawn, everytime we fell into the same room or space I would immediately turn to another direction.

I didn't know if he knew that I was avoiding him and if he did know I worried that he would think that I was having second thoughts about us when in fact that's not the case at all.

I just feel ashamed

I feel ashamed of kissing Hayes, I feel ashamed of allowing myself to come onto him. Even if Shawn and I weren't actually together is still felt as if I had committed a burden to playing him off against another guy who I had absolute no interest in.

It was last period of the day which meant I was going to have to sit through an hour of sitting in the same room with both Hayes and Shawn.

As Shawn's classroom door came into view I let out a sigh anxious to even see his face. Yes I'm probably just over thinking but I didn't know Shawn enough to know how he'd react?

It's not like it's a big deal you tell him, right?

Just as I was about to walk into the class I felt a body swerve around me, brushing ever so slightly against me.

"Excuse me" Hayes smiled at me as he scooted past so he could get into class before me.

I gave him a small smile back considering Hayes had promised me that there was going to be no more trouble. I was just looking forward to Colby coming back on Monday so he could keep Hayes busy.

Getting into the class I immediately felt Shawn's eyes piercing into the back of my head as I walked up the aisle and to my seat.

I just ignored any contact with him as I slid my bag off and sat down in my chair.

"Mia?" Hayes whispered my name from behind me.

"What?" I asked quietly as I pulled my book out my bag and placed it on my desk.

"I didn't tell anyone so stop worrying, I can see it all over your face" he reassured me.

I nodded before turning to look at him, giving a slight smile to show that I was thankful.

Facing the front I lent back in my chair as I hooked one leg over the other.

"Good afternoon class" I could hear Shawn's voice echoed around the class as I tried to look anywhere but at his eyes.

"Today we're going to act on the feedback I gave you on your essay you did for me last week, the essay about your dreams" he explained as I heard his feet walk around.

After a minute or so I heard Shawn's steps come to a stop, his presence invading my space as everyone chatted away to one another.

I couldn't help but look up at him as he placed down my essay infront of me.

"Guitar is still better" he grinned as the twinkle in his eye beamed into mine, arraying a glow around me.

That glow instantly made me feel calm and safe. It was like he knew that I thinking about something, he knew that something was on mind.

I gave him a warm smile before looking back at my paper. The first thing I noticed was Shawn's girly handwriting on the front in red pen.

'Be who you needed when you were growing up'

I couldn't help but smile shyly at his comment on the part where I was writing about what I dreamt of when I was a kid.

Looking back up Shawn was now sat at the otherside of the room helping another student. His eyes peered up at me for a second before giving me a side smile, his eyes quickly looking back away from me.


As soon as the last bell of day rung everyone rushed out of class before storming the hallways, me on the other hand I was purposely taking my time so I could see Shawn.

"Bye, have a good weekend" Shawn repeated a few times as the last few students left the room.

Once the class door shut I heard the lock turn and the shutter being pulled down.

"I can't stay long" I said as I closed my bag and pulled it over my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Shawn completely ignored what I had just said as he scrunched his eyebrows up at me in confusion.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled slightly, not wanting to even tell him what I was so worried about.

"Are you sure because you've been avoiding me all day?" Shawn rose an eyebrow at me as he began walking over to where I was still stood, behind my desk.

"I've been busy with homework and I really didn't need any distractions" I lied as I pushed my long hair out of my face.

"You promise that you're okay?" He needed reassurance as he stepped closer to me.

"I promise" I smiled, to make him stop questioning me.

"Good, now can I distract you?" He smirked as he pulled me closer to him, his hands resting ever so gently on my waist.

"It depends on how much time it's gonna take" I teased as I hooked my arms around his neck.

He gave me a wide grin before tipping my head up and fixing in lips so carefully onto mine. I closed my eyes as I allowed the softness of his lips to press against mine.

"I've really got to go" I laughed quietly as I pulled my lips off his.

He just smiled at me as he wrapped his arms around me, my head now resting against his warm chest.

"I'll call you later" I smiled before lifting my head up.

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