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Song of the chapter: Secret Love Song by Little Mix

The school day had finally come to an end and today dragged so much. The middle of the week is always the longest day.

Sitting in my car I waited in the parking lot of the school as people continued to leave the school. I was just waiting for Colby to come out so I could talk to him.

The whole day he had been avoiding me. Everytime he saw me he would instantly turn around and go in another direction. During practice when the cheerleaders and jocks talked Colby completely blanked me as if I weren't there.

I was confused, I was hurt.

I tried speaking to him on the way out of English after third period but he just made an excuse to leave and left.

What happened over night that I was oblivious to?

And finally he came out of those double doors, he was laughing as Hayes and him joked back and fourth.

Pushing the car door open I slammed it behind me before walking in the direction of the stairs of the school.

"Colby!" I shouted, trying to get his attention.

He stopped walking when he saw me at the bottom of the stairs and his laughter stopped. Hayes just stood there exchanging confused looks between the two of us.

"What do you want Mia?" He huffed as he clenched his jaw together, showing clear annoyance that I was talking to him.

"I want to know why the hell you've been blanking me all day?" I asked, folding my arms and not letting my voice snap.

"I've been busy" Colby didn't look at me as he bit on side of his cheek.

"So busy that you couldn't even say hi or ask how I'm doing like you normally do?" I said, I could already feel the irritation rising.

"I'm gonna leave you two to it" Hayes said before excusing himself and walking away.

Colby didn't answer but just instead looked anywhere but at me.

"Colby?" I sighed as I began walking up the steps but I didn't even make up one.

"Just stop Mia" Colby sighed before walking down the steps so he was now stood at the bottom, next to me.

I knitted my eyebrows together, just completely confused about what was going on.

"What has happened in the last 24 hours that I don't even know about? Why are you avoiding me?" I asked question after question, feeling my voice shake from trying to stay calm.

"Just leave it Mia, we're not doing this" Colby snapped, keeping his voice quiet so people wouldn't stop and stare.

"Yes we're doing this because what  have I done so fucking wrong that makes you want to ignore me?" I rose my voice slightly so he knew I weren't going to back down.

He didn't answer again, he was back to staring into oblivion and blanking me.

"So that's it, is it?" I asked, I could feel my voice wanting to crack but I wasn't going to let him pity me.

He didn't answer again but thus time his eyes finally looked at me. No emotion or reading, he just looked careless.

"I guess we're done here then" I said coldly as I bit the bottom of lip.

I waited for a reply but he spoke no words. Without another word I turned around before walking to my car, my held up high to not give him any satisfaction of hurting me.

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