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Song of the chapter: Bad Liar by Selena Gomez

Sunday was a drag considering I had to work the whole day and it was finally Monday which it was back to busy and obnoxious hallways.

My mind was mainly anxious of knowing that I was going to have to listen to people talking about the video, there's no way that someone wasn't going to bring it up.

That's not the only thing that was my main concern, Colby was back today too. And today I had to talk to him, I had to ask for the truth.

As I sat in the passenger seat Izzy had surprisingly took up the offer to drive  the whole gang to school, and by whole gang I meant the two of us, Grayson and Charlie. The main foursome.

As Izzy and I sat in the front the boys were laughing in the back, getting more roudy as they watched over Grayson's phone.

"How can you guys been in this good of a mood on a Monday?" Izzy groaned as she took a right.

"Have you seen this video? Trust me if I could show it to you right now you'd be dieing" Grayson laughed hysterically, Izzy looking at him for a second from the front mirror.

"Let me see" I asked, immediately becoming intrigued.

Leaning back Grayson turned the phone screen around before pressing play on the video again.

As the video played it showed Kim and Kanye West being bombarded by paparazzis on the sidewalk.

"Wait for it" Charlie tried not to laugh.

It was then that Kanye literally full pelted forward and his head smacked against a sign.

I instantly let out loud laughter as I flung my head back.

"That's got to hurt" I laughed as I turned back to the front.

"If you guys don't stop laughing I will drown you out with Ed Sheeran" Izzy threatened causing me to smirk.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing, everyone loves a bit of Ed" Charlie declared.

I then hit the power button in Izzy's stereo, making music blast through the speakers of the cars.

Nancy Mulligan began echoing around the vehicle as we all began singing along to the lyrics.

That's why I loved these guys, they didn't care what people thought. They just wanted to enjoy the life that I had and that's why they were my sort of people.

As the song came to an end we had finally reached the school. As Izzy parked into a space I looked forward to see a crowd of people at the top of the school entrance stairs.

"Jeez, who's Colby hitting this time" I playfully rolled my eyes, earning a laugh from Grayson.

We all began getting out of the car, each of our doors shutting within seconds of eachothers.

As Izzy and I walked ahead of the other two the crows began opening up as we began walking up the stairs.

Looking up Hayes and Colby were stood at the top, Colby walking down a few steps so he could meet me.

"So you finally decided to show up?" I smirked as we reached the same step.

He looked at me and joined me with a wide smile.

"Couldn't leave you alone another day" he laughed, his blue looked so bright today.

I wanted to collapse into his hold so bad, I just wanted his skin on mine again.

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