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Song of the chapter: You're Not Alone by Owl City

I didn't know what to feel about the kiss and I didn't know what to feel about Shawn. I mean ofcourse I felt a connection between us which was clearly evident in the kiss.

The kiss felt so good and his touch felt so warm, it made me feel safe, but I knew that it was wrong. It was wrong because he was my teacher, no one would care that he's only five years older then me. They'd only care about me being his student. 

That's what's wrong with society, they only see what they want to see and nothing else.

No I don't regret the kiss, but I regret enjoying it

"Are you okay?" Shawn interrupted my thoughts as the traffic light turned red.

"Yeah I'm fine" I gave him a small smile before looking back out the window.

"Mia?" Shawn said softly before gently putting his hand on my chin and moving it so I would face him.

I took a sigh before frustratedly pulling my hand through my hair.

"It's just, what will everyone think? They won't see past you being my teacher, they'll think it's wrong" I shook my head as the light went green and we began moving again.

"Did that kiss feel wrong to you?" Shawn had a worried expression on his face as he looked at me for a second.

"God no, it felt right. It felt so different" I sighed, a smile curving onto Shawn's lips.

"Don't smile, I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you" I groaned, as I turned my head and crossed my arms.

"There's that sass" Shawn laughed as he rose his eyebrow at me.

"Shawn" I said sternly.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Back to the serious conversation, we won't tell anyone about the kiss and if you feel that we've got something or if you feel that what we have is worth fighting for then still meet me in the music room after school. That's how I'll know whether it's worth putting my job at risk for" Shawn explained.

"I don't want you putting your job at risk" I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it, okay? Because no one's going to find out. I promise" Shawn gave me a reassuring smile.


I anxiously stood outside of Colby's hospital room, watching from behind the window as Colby boredly layed there staring at the celin while doctors injected him with some sort of medicine.

"You should go see him, he's been asking about you since I got here" Colby's Dad, Max, gave me a comforting smile as he walked up to the side of me.

"We weren't really on good terms when this whole thing happened, I'm just nervous to speak to him. What do I say?" I whispered, nervous to even interact with Colby.

"Well you obviously came here because you care about him" Max replied.

I bit onto the side of my cheek as I continued to watch Colby looking bored as hell.

"Talk to him, he really needs you right now"

Taking a deep breath I turned before walking towards the door of his hospital room. Just as I was about to push down the handle the door swung open to reveal the doctor.

"Morning Miss Aniston" he smiled before walking out of the room.

I gave him a small smile before turning to look back at Colby.

He still hadn't move his eyes.

Pushing the door close behind me I stood there for a few moments,thinking about what I was going to actually say to Colby.

"What are you doing here?" His voice sounded confused as I felt my heart swell up, at the sound of his voice.

Turning round he had his head turned so he now looking at me, he slowly pushed himself up so he could get comfy.

He squinted his eyes as they looked red and sore.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing" I gave him a small smile as I walked over to the side of his bed.

Reaching his bed I placed my hands on his arm before gently rubbing my thumb over the same spot.

As I stared at the cannula in his veiny hands my smile faded as I bit my bottom lip. Hearing sniffles coming from Colby I instantly turned my head to look at him.

He was sat up as he let out a few cries, tears falling helplessly down his pale skin.

My eyes softened at his expression as it felt like my heart had shattered in two.

"Mia" he cried.

As he repeated my name multiple of times I held him in my arms as I wrapped my small arms around his body.

I felt his arms hug me tighter as they held onto the back of my top, as if he was crying for help. His cries muffled into the crook my neck, letting out every emotion he was so confused to feel.

"Everything's going to be okay, we're going to be okay" I whispered as I refrained myself from crying.

"I don't know what happened out there Mia, one minute I remember scoring the goal and the next my vision just blacked out completely" Colby sniffled as we pulled apart.

"It's fine now, you're awake and safe. I don't know what I would've done if Mr Mendes hadn't been there" I replied, sighing at the thought of Shawn.

"Yeah, I really need to thank him for that. He's a really good teacher" Colby said his tears dried.

"I can't disagree with that" I refrained myself from smiling at the thought of him.

At the thought of us kissing

"Listen, we need to talk about what happened the other night" Colby sighed as I hoisted myself up onto the bed, sitting on the edge next to him.

"Colby we don't need to, not right now" I shook my head.

"But I want to, all everyone seems to be talking about in this place is about what happened last night and it's driving me insane" Colby replied, his eyes focused on me.

"Okay, I'm not trying to get back with you because I understand that we don't work together, even if you mean the absolute world to me. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for absolutely everything I've done to hurt you and I promise to never let me or anyone else hurt you again" He continued, looking at me with such sincere and commitment.

I stared at him for a few moments as I listened to his words.

"Thankyou" I smiled small as I gently squeezed the top of his bare hand.

"Friends though, right?" He grinned as he squeezed my hand back.

"Ofcourse, I'll even come back here tonight and we can watch grease while eating our arses off" I smiled causing him to laugh lightly.

"I look forward to it, now get back to school. Wouldn't want to miss any English lessons would we?" Colby smirked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows, worried at him knowing about the kiss.

"You love English, and today's debate day?" Colby rose his eyebrow laughing at my sudden tensity.

"Oh right ofcourse" I laughed off my panic before jumping off the bed.

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