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Song of the chapter: Knocking on Your Heart by Maggie Lindemann

Following Alessia out of the kitchen we each held our drinks as we struggled to monouver our way around all the people.

Every now and again she would turn around and smile at me, just to make sure that I was still behind her.

Finally reaching the back doors we walked out into the garden, letting the warm summer air travel around us.

The garden was big and had a long pool on its right side while the other was filled with a bench and just a long run of grass.

"I know what you're thinking, who the hell needs this big of a garden?" Alessia said as she led me over to a bench which was quite out of the way from all the people talking and messing about.

"Yeah, it's seem quite a waste but I'm not gonna lie I'd love to have a house this big" I replied as I let my eyes search around the garden, once we had come to a stop.

The music was just loud enough so people could dance to it on the porch. I recognised everyone out here, only from seeing them in the halls. I could only put a name to a few of these faces.

"You wanna sit down?" Alessia laughed causing my attention to turn back to her.

I shyly smiled before playfully rolling my eyes as I sat on the bench. I made sure that I didn't sit too close to her. I kept a good distance so not even our legs were touching.

"So Shawn, how comes I've never seen you at any of these parties before?" Alessia asked as she turned a little so she could face me.

She then rested her arm on the back of the bench before leaning her head on her hand.

"It's just not really my thing" I shrugged.

"Why not?" She smiled.

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows as she continued to smile widely at me. I laughed a little before looking up at the sky and then back at her.

"It's just I don't get them. I mean all everyone ever does is drink, dance and make out with some random person that they won't even say hi to in the halls at school" I explained, a smile not leaving my lips and quite surprisingly never leaving hers.

"I can't really argue with you on that one" she laughed lightly before looking out onto the garden.

"You know what Shawn, you are this really shy guy who never likes to get into drama at school but everyone seems to like you and want to talk to you" she explained and I was taken a back by it.

"I wouldn't say that" I smiled, my nerves obviously showing again because my thumb found it's way upon my palm again.

"Why not? I mean everyone knows your name and people always talk to you and you always talk to them" she turned to look at me.

I didn't say anything but instead bit the side of my cheek, in thought about what she had said.

"I just like conversations I guess, the more you talk the more you know and the less alone you are" I sighed before leaning back and titling my head up so I was staring up into the dark sky.

She didn't say anything so I peered my eyes over at her to see her looking back out onto the garden.

"Alessia?" I questioned causing her eyes to fall onto me.

"Why are you talking to me?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Why not?" She laughed before leaning back so she was now in the same position as me.

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