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Song of the chapter: Dusk Till Dawn by ZAYN & Sia

[Shawn's POV]

Waiting at an empty car park a few blocks away from the support group centre I waited eagerly for Mia to come round the corner. Leaning against the side of my car I stood when my arms folded as I let my eyes wonder round, waiting for Mia to come into view.

I had managed to leave the support group early. I made up an excuse that I had another appointment which I had to go to. I didn't mean to join their session, I was just wondering outside trying to figure out where I was suppose to pick Mia up from and when one of the workers sort me out here they practically dragged me into the room before I could get any words out.

As soon as my eyes fell onto her I had to refrain myself from letting my eyes widen, widen from how amazing she looked. In the matter of days I had been away I had missed everything about her.

I missed how she would trace my jawline, the way you could tell it was her laughing from a mile off and what I missed the most was the simplicity of her voice and smile. The smile which I could light up a room of thousands and the voice that could keep anyone at peace.

Her hair was curly today, a braid joining from each sides of her hair once they met in the middle. She was in dark blue jeans today, which I was very much thankful for. She wore a grey sweater which hung tightly onto her arms but hung loosely around her chest and waist.

I was never bothered about her makeup, I mean I had seen her without it on once and she honestly just looked as flawless as she did with makeup on. She was ,what I call, a natural beauty.

"Shawn!" And that immediate voice caused my eyes to shoot up.

There she stood with a big smile across her face, her hair blowing in her face slightly from the wind.

A wide grin spreader across my face as I pushed myself off my car before walking in the direction of where she was, as she also walked towards me.

As soon as she was in my reach I reached my hands onto her waist before pulling her closer to me. She laughed at this as her eyes found there way onto mine again, the deep blue in her eyes being so vibrant today.

All I could do was gaze at her, my smile not leaving my lips. Her hands found their way onto my neck as her thumbs traced up and down my jaw, only making me grin even bigger.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" She rose her eyebrows causing me to chuckle at her demanding tone.

Without no more seconds to pass I crashed my lips onto her lips, letting my eyes close as I savoured the taste and touch of her lips against mine.

Everything about this kiss felt so different, everything felt so real. The passion I had for her was crazy and it was crazy to think that in little time we had actually been together it was already as if she had a hold of me. I was do anything for her and I know I would, all she would have to do was say the words and I'll do it.

She weren't my girlfriend and I didn't want her to be, not yet anyway. I mean I wanted us to do this the real way and go one dates before anything becomes official. I want to be able to treat her right and let her experience a normal relationship as possible, without the secret of us two getting in the way of us doing what normal couples do.

I want to take her out to places, spoil her as much as she'd let me. I want to be the reason she smiles in the morning and I know it's too soon to say it but I want to be the reason why she loves someone. Better yet in love with someone.

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