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Song of the chapter- Never get to Heaven by Sarah Blaine

[Mia's POV]

Staring through the glass I watched as Colby's body layed on the top of a metal table, his chest bare as two doctors prepped his body until he would be covered.

My body felt completely drained and weak, small tears still falling down my cheeks as I let shock take over my whole body.

He was gone, Colby was gone.

"I got you coffee" Hearing Shawn's voice instantly caused the tears to become heavier and my cries become loud.

Turning around he was already walking towards me and as soon as he reached me he wrapped his arms tightly round me. I cried into his chest as I gripped onto his jacket, his head resting on top of mine.

Using his spare hand he used it to stroke the back of my hair, fiddling with my hair in the process as the tears burned down my face, struggling to ever stop.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere" Shawn whispered near to my ear.

Eventually my tears slowed down and my cries became quieter as Shawn's arms calmed me down.

Lifting my head off his chest I looked up at him to see his expression soft and pale. His eyes were red and a little blood shot, the greeness in his eyes softening at me.

Reaching up I went to kiss him but I quickly pulled out of him arms and took a few steps back as I realised that anyone could catch us.

Looking at his face he looked a little hurt before reaching out and passing me the coffee.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want anyone to catch us" I said quietly as I held the warm cup in my hands.

"That's really the last thing on my mind right now Mia" Shawn sighed as he puffed out his cheeks, as a way of stopping himself from crying.

"Where's your friends?" I asked as I looked down at the cup, my cries becoming silent but the tears still gently falling.

"Back at mine, I told them that there's no point in them being here" Shawn shrugged.

I nodded a little before turning around and looking back at where Colby layed.

"Hayes still hasn't woken up yet but he's they've put him on a machine which will keep him breathing" Shawn explained as I felt his body presence next to me.

"What am I suppose to do if he wakes up Shawn? How am I suppose to tell him that his bestfriend is gone?" I asked quietly, everything about me weak.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there" Shawn replied.

There were a few more moments of silence between us as we both just watched as the white got pulled over Colby's body, his face being hidden from me.

"Are you alright?" I whispered.

"I'm okay I guess, it just feels weird you know?" Shawn sighed and I nodded.

"What about you?"

"My ex just died how do you think I feel?" I said sarcastically with a forced smile.

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