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Song of the chapter- Half Of Me by Rihanna

"Churches give me the creeps" Aaliyah announced as she looked up at the celin of the church.

"Tell me about it, they're always so cold and weary" I agreed, walking beside her with my hands in my pockets.

Mum and Dad were behind us muttering to eachother. I glanced over at them before facing forward as we continued our way up the long aisle, this was the same aisle I carried Alessia's casket up.


Holding onto the wooden frame the heavy box, which fitted an ever so fare girl, rested on the top of my left shoulder. I walked at the front, Alessia's Father beside me holding the other corner. Her Grandad and cousin were carrying the back.

"It's okay Shawn, you're getting to carry her again" Her Father, David, gave me a comforting and sympathetic smile as we waited for the large doors to open into the church.

I looked at him and barely managed to nod in reply. Facing back to the front I could already feel the tears wanting to fill my eyes.

This was my last time ever holding her again.

Eventually the doors opened and we began walking into the church, everyone in their black outfits as they sadly looked at us. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as I let my eyes wonder round the room seeing how broken everyone looked, from friends to family.

The tears burned against my eyes as my eyes fell onto Alessia's Mum, Gwen. She was stood at the front of the aisle, crying into a tissue. She looked more broken to me, after all she did lose her daughter.

The tears fell down my cheeks, struggling to prevent them any longer.


"We would like to call up Shawn Mendes, someone who Alessia's parents say was very close to their daughter" The vicar said, standing at the podium which had a picture of Alessia upon it.

Feeling Gwen's hand on my back she gave me a small rub as I looked at her, her expression comforting me to go up. I rested my hand on the top of hers before standing up.

Looking at the otherside of the aisle I made sure to look at my Mum, her eyes giving me all the strength I needed to get up there.

I then walked my way up to the podium, the vicar moving out of the way. Looking down at the photo of Alessia I took it in my hands, before admiring how she looked. I couldn't help but smile as I stared at it, everything being silent around me.

"Alessia told me she always hated this photo, she didn't like the way her hair looked" I smiled as I placed the photo back down.

Looking around at everyone, some still had watery eyes as others smiled in the memory of her.

"But I always loved it, and I still do".

Resting my hands upon the top of the podium I took a deep breath, my eyes searching from Alessia's family to mine.

"I remember the first time I saw Alessia, I was sitting at the back seat of my our English class where she came walking in so confidently as the new girl. That's what made me fall for her, her instant confidence. Maybe that's why I trained to become an English teacher for all those years, because it was the class I met her in" I smiled, surprisingly no tears to have formed yet.

"From the moment I first saw her, I just knew that I had to have her. I loved everything about her, from he gorgeous smile all the way down to her her living personality".

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