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Song of the chapter: Party by Beyonce


As his arms wrapped loosely and softly around my waist I laughed as Colby whispered funny remarks about Hayes into my ear. We were at extra soccer and cheerleading practice, as we have a massive game on Tuesday night.

"I have no idea how he got on the team" Colby laughed quietly into my ear as the warmth travelled around our bodies.

"You're the one who put him in quater back" I teased as I titled my head up a little so I could look at him.

He looked down at me and smirked before tightening his grip round my waist. He placed a soft kiss against the top of my head before letting me to and running onto the field so he could join in in the training.


Sitting on the bleachers I sat with the rest of the cheer team as we watched the boys practice simple soccer training and techniques.

The school outside grounds were always open so it meant that we could freely use the pitch and bleacher stands, well only for school purposes.

"I see that you and Colby finally decided to give in and admit that you're a couple" Sasha rose her eyebrows as Colby gave me nothing but a grin from the middle of the pitch.

"We haven't admitted anything but yes we are seeing eachother in that way" I laughed before shaking my head in embarrassment.

"And you didn't tell me!" Izzy gasped from next to me as she finally looked up from her phone.

"It's not a big deal guys, I mean he's just another boy. You've all had relationships before" I shrugged.

"Yeah but none of us have ever gone out with Colby Evans" Katie exaggerated people looking at Colby with hot eyes, which didn't faze me.

"I'm sorry Mia but he's so hot. Like Jesus christ, I'd tap that anyday" Sasha added.

I laughed again and snorted before leaning my head back, again in embarrassment.

There were ten cheerleaders but us four girls were the closest and only really communicated with eachother.

"Can we please stop talking about him?" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Only if you promise to come to the party tonight at Hayes house" Izzy insisted.

"You know how much I hate Hayes" I groaned.

"You won't have to talk to him, they'll be loads of people there" she continued.

"Fine but I swear to god if any of you leave me alone with him then I will sucker punch you" I joked before standing up.

"Now let's get this routine polished so I can drink my arse off"


"Honey, how long will you be out tonight?" My Mum shouted from her room while I got ready in mine.

"I'm going to crash at Izzy's tonight" I answered back as I slid my heels onto my small feet.

A few seconds later I heard her heels click against the floor before creeping into my room. Looking up from my feet my eyes travelled to the direction of my Mum. She wore a tight black dress as her hair rested in curls.

"Where are you going all dulled up?" I smirked as I wiggled my eyebrows, while my Mum slipped her earrings on.

"I've got a date" she smiled shyly.

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