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Song of the chapter- Everything is lost by Maggie Eckford

[Shawn's POV]

As I drove in my car I couldn't stop laughing as the rest of my mates in my car made jokes and recalled memories together back in high school.

"You're the one who had a massive crush on Miss Ellis, Shawn" Dylan laughed and I nearly blushed but I managed not to.

"I think everyone had a crush on that girl" I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

As we came to a stop one of the traffic lights I sat there amused as I listened to Dylan argue with Tyler from the front seat.

Soon the light turned green and just as I was about to pull out I heard sound crash screech around us. I  instantly pressed the break down causing the the car to jolt slightly.

The screech continued until a loud bang erupted closely to us.

"Shit! What the hell was that?" Dylan cursed as he sat forward in his chair.

Unplugging my seatbelt I opened the car door before jumping out, letting my feet hit the pavement asbo closed the door behind me.

Letting my eyes search around where my car was I couldn't see anything as the guys began getting out of the car.

Walking up the pavement I took a right turn not expecting to see what I saw next. Freezing in my steps I felt my body run cold and my insides turn as I stood there, staring at what was infront of me.

A few metres away from where I stood a black car parked smoking, its front being completely mauled.

"Guys!" I shouted for them and soon I heard their footsteps behind me before they came to a stop.

"Shit" Tyler said, his breath heavy as he was shocked to see such a horrific thing that was infront of us.

"Someone call 911" I commanded before jogging my way over to the crash, not even listening to what the guys were saying.

As I jogged I couldn't shake the sickly feeling that was building up inside of me.

Reaching the car I passed the smoke before coming up to one of the front smashed windows of the car. As I lent down so I could see who it was my whole body went numb.

I felt the colour in my face disappear, my mouth turning dry.

There Hayes sat pushed back in his chair as he sat there unconscious, the blood pouring down from the cuts on his face.

Looking past him I felt the need to be sick as Colby layed slumped over his wheel, blood smudged up his head as he layed completely unconscious.

"Someone call 911!" I shouted as I held my hands on the frame of the door.

Looking behind me I watched as the boys stood there shocked at what they were looking at, yet they didn't know who Hayes and Colby were.

They just stated blankly at me and this time I screamed for them to call 911.

Dylan pulled a confused and worried expression at me for as of why I was so frantic.

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