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Song of the chapter- You Are The Reason by Callum Scott and Leona Lewis

[Shawn's POV]

"It wasn't like that!" I shouted, hitting my fists agaisnt the table.

All the prosecutor did was smirk at me, his arms folded across his chest as he stood a few metres away from where I was sat.

"Ah we've got a temper aswell as a manipulator" he smirked causing to let out an aggravated groan.

"I'm not a fucking-" I shouted mids through a stern look from my attorney, who was sat back at our desk.

"Look, I'm not a manipulator. I never forced her to do anything she didn't want to do" I said, calming my voice as I gritted my teeth together.

"You see, the problem is that I don't believe you Mr Mendes"

I angrily just stared at him, my jaw locked as he stared me down intensely.

"I think you used her"

I just felt my body tense up even more.

"Not only did you use her to fix what ever was going on in your life, but you also used her too-" as he said that he turned around and pointed up to Mia.

Following my eyes over to her she was staring softly at me, her eyes melting into mine with fear.

I felt my heart drop before tightening as I watched how precious she looked, her looking just as broken as me.

"You used her because you knew that she was an easy target, she had been through so much and you knew that because of that she would fall right into your trap"

"What's your evidence?" I snapped as I sharply looked back at the prosecutor.

He just continued to smirk at me before turning around and walking back to his desk.

Pulling my eyebrows together I watched as he grabbed a piece of paper off of the table.

"Here I have the statement Miss Aniston wrote, the one which we found back at your home in Toronto" He said as turned back around and began walking back towards where he was standing before.

"In this statement Miss Aniston wrote that you, Shawn Mendes, sexually abused her"

Every part of me tensed up even more, my jaw locking tight as shivers ran up my spine.

This lie, this fucking lie was so beyond the truth that it completely sent my body into an uproar of anger.

My eyes were practically burning into him as he stood there with a smug look across his face as he tried to taunt and intimidate me.

"If what your saying is true then why would she write this? Especially when she is acting as a witness for you"

I just scoffed at him before heavily rolling my eyes.

"Why don't you ask her? I mean she's the one who fucking lied" I cursed, sending daggers at him.

He just let out a mocking laugh before calling to Mia, everyone's eyes falling onto her.

I watched as a she furrowed her eyebrows, her body shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

She began pulling down on his sleeves with her fingers before digging her nails into her palms, something she always did when she was nervous.

"Mia Ansiton, may I ask why did you write this form?" He asked but before Mia's stuttering words could fall into place my attorney stood up.

"Mia isn't on the stand your honour, he can't penalise her while he's already interviewing my client" Mrs Ashley objected.

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