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Song of the chapter- Lost Boy by Ruth B

Letting out a deep breath I pressed down on the door handle of Hayes' hospital room. Pushing the door open I walked in to see him laying in the bed.

He was still wired up to tubes, which ran through his hands, but he was awake. He was talking to his Mum as she sat on the side of his bed.

He was smiling at the as they talked to one another, him laughing a little at the things she said.

As Grayson shut the door behind us their attention turned onto us. Looking at Hayes his head turned to look at us and once he saw he smiled widely.

"Mia, I'm surprised to see you here" he smirked, trying to tease me.

Playfully rolling my eyes I walked to the end of his bed so I was close to him. Holding onto its frame Grayson walked to the side of me.

"You look pretty terrible bro" Grayson said with a smirk and Hayes rolled his eyes, having no hate towards eachother but not exactly being the best of friends.

"And you still look like a fucking knob" he smiled proudly.

As soon as he cursed his Mum scolded him and I scolded Grayson for even saying anything in the first place.

His Mum soon excused herself and once she left Grayson and I took a seat either side of the bed.

"So Mia any gossip while I've been bed ridden?" Hayes directed his attention at me.

"No, everything is pretty much the same as before" I smiled at him.

Looking past him Grayson was staring at me because we had already been warned that Hayes was yet to know about what had happened to Colby.

I knew what he was thinking but I couldn't tell him the truth, not yet.

"That's because Colby hasn't been let our of hospital yet, once he is then I'm sure there will be plenty of drama. I should be allowed to get out of bed tomorrow, do want to come with me to see him?" Hayes said rather cheerfully.

Fuck, this was hard

"Who told you you could see him?" I asked.

"No one, but he's fine right? So I don't see why not" Hayes shrugged.

Turning his head to look at Grayson he narrowed his eyes at him.

"And that doesn't mean you're invited. If he saw you walk in there he'd probably put you in hospital" Hayes joked.

Grayson didn't say anything but just instead looked away.

"Well he seems moody" Hayes chuckled lightly.

"So how is Colby then? Did he ask how I was when you went to see him?" Hayes asked me and I didn't know what to say.

"Listen Hayes-" I said but Grayson cut me off.

"Yeah he did, he's thrilled to hear that you're awake" Grayson smiled.

Hayes nodded happily before pushing down on his button so it would sit him up more.

"I've still got like another two weeks in here, they said because of how my legs were trapped under the car I'm going to have to take some walking lessons" Hayes scoffed.

"Ah it'll be like you taking your first steps back in 3rd grade" Grayson joked and I just glared at him.

"Don't worry about him Mia, he's just jealous" Hayes whispered while laughing.

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