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Song of the chapter- Over Again by One Direction

[Shawn's POV]

Sitting in the cafe of the hospital I sat with a croissant, a banana and a bottle of water infront of me.

I had managed to calm Hayes down and now he was sleeping back in his room. I wasn't planning on leaving here until he agrees to let me help him.

I was on my own, simply eating my food as I listened to my music with my earphones in.

I couldn't help but tap my feet along to the beat as Use Somebody by Kings of Leon began playing.

Taking another bite of my croissant I looked up and began people watching the cafe. The hospital was actually an interesting place and it only made your wonder about what people had gone through.

There were two teenagers in the eye to get food. The girl had a cannula attached to her hand which led up to an infusion bottle, which hung from this metal pole.

I couldn't help but smile slightly as the boy she was with wheeled the infusion bottle everytime she tool a step in the line.

I could tell it was hard for her to walk but the guy kept his hand on her back so she wouldn't fall. She had a bright smile on her face and he was laughing at something she said.

Whatever she was going through was clearly hard but yet the two of them looked so happy at life.

Looking away from them I looked to my right to see an old man sat on his own at a table. He had a scone infront of him with a bouquet of flowers layed across the table, infront of him.

"They for your wife?" I asked with a smile as I admired the bouquet of lillies.

"Yeah they are, she's allowed out of her room today so she's meeting me here. Lillies are her favourite flowers" he replied with such a bright grin.

"Let me guess, she likes them because roses are too cliche?" I asked, laughing lightly.

"You are definitely right there son" his rough old voice chuckled back.

"Your girlfriend likes lillies too?"

"Yeah she does, well she's my ex but they're her favourite" I smiled with a sigh.

"And you miss her?" He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I guess you could say that" I chuckled nervously, pushing my hand through my hair.

"What happened son? I mean can't you just go get her back?" He asked.

"If I could then I would, trust me. I just seriously messed up" I sighed with a smile, only smiling to not let myself cry.

"What did you do?" He questioned.

I wasn't fazed by telling him because at the end of the day he's just some old guy who doesn't know me or what I do. He's just someone who is wants to listen.

"I lied to her, but she doesn't know I lied to her. I tried to break her heart so she would hate me and it worked but now I regret ever doing it" I sighed.

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