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Song of the chapter- Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis

[Shawn's POV]

"I would like to call up Alessia Rose to the stand"

My body froze still. My eyes widened in both fear, confusion and most of all in shock.

Slowly turning my head I followed my eyes to where she was walking, just to make sure that I wasn't just hearing things.

But I wasn't. What I heard was real, it was Alessia.

Instantly I felt my hold body heat up as everything in me shook and became tense.

She didn't look anyway but forward as she walked and in that instance I felt like that same teenage boy who fell in love.

Her hair was longer then it was before, the blondeness still radiating off her like a ray light.

My heart was beating rapidly as I stared at her, watching every movement and breath she took.

"Alessia!" I shouted in confusion as I stood up, my head becoming light as I tried to comprehend who was in front of me.

She soon came to a stop, standing right infront of the stand when she'd be sitting.

As she began turning her head I felt my heart begin to speed up rapidly, feeling like it was going to drop any second.

Eventually her eyes fell onto me and as I intertwined my eyes with once so familiar green ones I was instantly taken over by anger, disappointment and betrayal.

I just stared at her straight in the eyes, my face covered in shock and heartbreak.

"Hello Shawn" she mumbled back, guilt piercing in her eyes.

I just widely watched her, my chest heaving up and down. My breaths became heavy as may hands began to start shaking.

Slumping back down in my chair I could feel the air in my head begin to become dizzy as I started to feel light headed.

I couldn't get my head round. Why was she here? How was she here? I was the one who found her body, I was the one who carried her coffin up the aisle at her own funeral.

She's dead.

She's fucking dead.

Everything was too much to comprehend that I felt like my lungs were about to explode. Looking down at the table I clenched my eyes shut together as I firmly gripped my hands onto the wood, them shaking uncontrollably.

My breathing was shaky as I struggled to calm myself down.

"Shawn? Are you Okay?" Mrs Ashley whispered from the side of me.

"Shawn?" She repeated again once I didn't reply.

Shaking my head I opened my eyes to have blurry vision.

"I can't-" I struggled to make any of my words audible.

"I can't breath"

Looking up at her face I could barely make out any of her features, everything just being a mix of smudged colours.

"I think you need a time out Shawn" She suggested but I shook my head in refusal.

"No, I need to hear what she's got to say" I said out of breath.

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