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Song of the chapter- Never Enough by Loren Allred

[Mia's POV]

Taking my seat on the stand I let out a steady breath before placing my hand on top of the book where I had to swear to tell nothing but the truth.

Once doing so the guard walked away leaving me and Mrs Ashley to take the stand.

"How are you today Miss Aniston?" Mrs Ashley smiled at through her chapped lipstick.

"How do you think? I'm sitting in a freaking court case" I mumbled back causing her to laugh ever so slightly.

"Shawn told me that you had a good sense of humour" she stated as she rested her hands infront of her.

I furrowed my eyebrows a little before looking over at where Shawn was sitting.

He was already staring at me to which he gave me a small smile in return to my expression.

"So can you tell me about yourself Mia?" Mrs Ashley grabbed my attention once again, ripping my eyes away from Shawn.

"Tell you what?" I asked, finding the question a little strange.

"About your home and school life. Do you have any interests or specif things you like to do in your free time?" She smiled and I nodded.

"Yeah I like music, I like to write and record songs back at my home. I also work at a cafe in town which I work at on some weekends" I simply replied.

"How long have you been working there" she asked.

"About 7 months now" I replied, my eyes becoming a little distracted as I looked pass her to see Alessia taking a seat next to Shawn's parents.

Instantly I felt my blood boil as she began whispering something to them. She was trying to worm her way back in and fuck her if she thinks that I'm going to let that happen.

"Mia?" I heard my name being repeated a couple times.

"Hmm?" I replied as I pulled my eyes off her and back to Ashley.

"I asked you if you've had a particular memory from the cafe which stood out for you the most" she said and I nodded, struggling go swallow the small lump in my throat.

"Yeah I have" I said.

"Can you tell us about that?" She asked but before I answered I looked over to Shawn.

He was biting on his nails as he watched me, his hair lazily covering his forehead.

I was looking for his approval to say, after all it was such a personal night for him.

Reading my eyes he discreetly nodded before I then turned my attention back to Mrs Ahsley and the rest of stands.

"One night at the cafe Shawn came in, it wasn't long till closing time so I let him stay anyway. This was the first time I met him, the time I met him where he was just like any other  guy from Canada" I began explaining.

"I remember how he looked like had had a break down, his face was red and his eyes were beyond bloodshot from how much he had been crying"

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