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Song of the chapter: All I think about is you by Ansel Elgort

Pouring water into the flask my vision was somewhat blocked as the smeary goggles rested on my nose.

"The concentration on your face right now" Grayson laughed as he walked to our desk holding two flasks of some sort of chemicals.

"Well I don't want to spill it" I rose my eyebrows at him, letting out a laugh before standing up straight.

"It's only water you moron" Grayson smirked before putting his goggles on his face, then placing the flasks down on the desk.

I playfully rolled my eyes before stepping away from the main flask so Grayson could start adding in other chemicals.

"I don't get why you always make me do this part, if you can handle your liquor then I'm sure you can handle chemicals" Grayson laughed as he began adding the liquids together.

"I think you'll find that I don't drink chemicals" I smirked and he just rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean" he shook his head.

After adding the chemicals Grayson walked back to where I was standing before folding his arms.

"Now what?" He questioned.

"Well we've got twenty minutes until the reaction will filly start so how about we get out of here" I smiled as I took my goggles off.

"What? Like skip class?" Grayson rose his eyebrow.

"Sure, why not?" I grinned widely.

Grayson just stood there looking at me, his eyes narrowed at me. Eventually a smile few wide onto his lips before he took off his goggles.

"Never thought you'd ask" he smirked before taking my hand.

"Come on" he laughed before pulling me out of the classroom, sneakily so the teacher or students didn't catch us even if they were bound to notice.

Grayson still pulled me through the hallways, him running and practically dragging my body along behind him.

Finally when we came to a stop we were out of the school doors, the weather today being particularly cold as it smacked you in the face.

"Let's go up the field, I know a cool spot" Grayson insisted before we began walking in the direction of the school field.

The field was empty today meaning no one had practice or P.E outside.

As my feet hit the damp grass I could barely see anything ahead as the air was smothered in fog, at least no one was going to see us out here.

"This is nice" Grayson smiled to himself as he took in a breath of the cold air.

Looking up at him for a second he just smiled as he looked ahead, the two of us still walking to the far end of the field.

"It's nice because it's just the two of us"

"Yeah it is, we haven't really spent time together lately and I'm sorry for that" I replied, folding my arms over my chest for warmth.

"Well we're together now and that's all that matters" Grayson grinned before throwing his arm over my shoulder, pulling me next to him.

I laughed as he then wrapped his two arms around me so I was now in a warm hug. As he pulled me into his chest I felt his head rest upon mine.

Furrowing my eyebrows I closed my eyes as he held me so tightly in his arms. This hug felt different, it felt pleading. It was as if he was afraid to let me go.

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