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Song of the chapter: I Just Want You by Gardiner Sisters


As Shawn took a right turn into my street it had already fell into the pitch of black of the night.

It was now 10pm and Shawn and I had been just driving around town, getting to know eachother and just talking about anything that came to mind.

"I hope your Mum won't be worried about where you've been all night" Shawn said with a little concerned as he held his hand comfortably on the gear stick.

"She's at a work conference all weekend so it's only me in the house" I smiled.

Yes I had an older brother but he lived in his own house with his wife, not to far from where I live.

"I'm not telling you as a teacher, but as a person who was once a teenager I advice that you do not throw any parties while your mum's gone" Shawn laughed as he went down another turn.

"I'll bare that it mind" I smirked before playfully rolling my eyes.

Just as my house became into view I saw a car parked outside of my house.

"Drop me off here" I said as I unbuckeld my seat belt.

"Why?" Shawn furrowed his eyebrows before listening to me and pulling up next to a street lamp.

"That's Colby's car parked outside my house and he'll definitely get the wrong idea if he sees you dropping me off" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bag from the backseat.

"Ah right" Shawn nodded.

Pushing open the car door I jumped out before turning around to look back at Shawn.

It still sounded weird to call him that.

"Thankyou for the food" I grinned as I put my hand on the door.

He smiled widely as his brown hair slightly moved as a gust of wind passed through the car.

"But most importantly thanks for trusting me tonight" I smiled genuinely to prove how pleased I was.

"And thankyou for listening Mia, I hope that we can talk like this again sometime" Shawn smiled as he moved his arm around the back of his seat, his muscles becoming to clear and tense.

"I'd like that" I nodded, feeling my smile become so big instantly making me feel shy.

"Well enjoy the rest of the weekend and I'll see you on Monday" he winked before I shut the car door.

"Bye Mia" he smiled as he opened the car window so I could hear him.

"Bye Shawn" I grinned like a child before watching as his car took off and drived off into the distance.

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I walked towards my house. As my front door became into full light I saw Colby stood infront of my door pasting eagerly.

"Colby?" I questioned as I walked up to the steps to my front door.

As he turned around he looked at me with a mixture of anger and concern painted all over his face.

"Oh my god Mia, where the hell have you been?" He sighed so deeply as he jogged down the stairs before standing infront if me.

"I went for a walk" I lied as I knitted my eyebrows together at his angry expression.

"Who goes for a walk till like ten at night?" He screwed his eyebrows together as he flung his arms in the air.

"It's not a big deal Colby, I'm home now and I'm absolutely fine" I rolled my eyes at the not needed drama from him.

"It is when you stood me up at the party that we were suppose to go to tonight together. We were suppose to finally let everyone know that we're together. Do you know how embarrassing it was that you stood me up when everyone knew how excited I was to actually be with you?" He rose his voice as I unlocked the door to go into the house, Colby following straight behind me.

"Why are you being so dramatic? You only care about where I went because you're worried about whether I messed your ego up or not" I snapped as he slammed the door behind us while I turned on all the lights.

"It's not like that at all Mia, we're suppose to be a couple. We're suppose to go to things together. I'm the head jock, you're the head cheerleader, we're suppose to be the star couple of the school" he snapped back.

"Oh my god Colby! Your head is so far shoved up your arse that you actually think that people care whether we're together or not. As much as I loved making out with you this morning it was a mistake and I'm sick of this stupid stereotype that a cheerleader is meant to be with a jock!" I shouted before trying to walk away but Colby turned me back round to face him as he held onto my wrist.

"What is it with you and sending me mixed signals? One minute you're all over me and the next minute you hate my guts. What is it Mia? What the hell have I got to do for you just to open up to me?" He voice began to calm down as he let go of my wrist.

"I don't want you to do anything" I sighed.

"I just want us to be happy together and not care about what anyone else thinks" I looked up into his crystal blue eyes.

"So do I but it's just that I sometimes feel like you don't want this as much as I do" he said as he pulled me closer to him, his arms comfortably wrapping around my waist.

"I just don't want to argue with you and I'm afraid of losing you. I really just need and want you in my life" my voice became quieter as looked at my feet.

"You're not going to lose me Mia, not even if you try so hard to get rid of me. Whatever it is that's on your mind, I'm always here whenever you want to talk" he gave me a small smile as he lifted my head up to face him.

I returned a small smile before pulling myself into his arms as I buried my head into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly round me.

"Who knew that two seventeen year olds who like eachother would be so dramatic?" Colby laughed lightly.

"I'm dating you, ofcourse it's going to be dramatic" I laughed quietly as I took in his musky scent.

"I can't argue with that" he laughed before his lips softly kissed my forehead.

Colby was very different from the stereotypical head jock. He wasn't horrible or a player, but instead he was sweet and sincere. He proved to me that he can be popular, have good grades and still be a decent human being. That's why I fell for him, because he was different. Even if he felt as if he had a reputation to keep up.

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