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Song of the chapter: Still Falling For You by Ellie Goulding

I tried to wrestle my suitcase from Shawn but it was no use as he refused to let me carry anything.

He just walked ahead of me with a smug smirk as he held both of how bags and suitcases, feeling pretty pleased with himself for taking on all our bags.

"You know, no one likes someone who's cocky" I folded my arms as I fast walked so I was now beside him.

"Well that must apply to you considering you said to me earlier that you really liked me" Shawn smirked as we walked through the lobby of the hotel.

"How do you know that I weren't lieing?" I teased as I pushed the elevator door button before he could.

"Because I just know okay?" He smirked as the doors opened.

Walking into the elevator Shawn followed in behind me, the doors soon shutting behind us.

"What floor?" I asked as scanned my eyes across the buttons.

"Four" he replied, dropping the bags to the floor so he could rest his arms.

"Too heavy for you?" I teased with my eyebrows raised as I pressed the button before turning round to look at Shawn.

"No actually, I only put them down so I could kiss you" he grinned widely before taking my hands and pulling me closer to him, our chests against eachothers.

"But what if I don't want to kiss you?" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck while he slithered his arms around my waist.

"Just shut up Mia" he laughed before crashing his lips onto mine.

He was soon too shut me off as I was completely taken over by the touch of his lips, as his eyes closed mine followed shut.

The boring elevator music was soon blocked out of my ears as my only focus centered onto Shawn. His grip on my waist tightend as he pulled me even closer, not letting an inch between us.

I let my hands travel up his neck until they began roaming around his hair. I felt his tongue push on my lips, requesting for entrance which I gratefully accepted.

His tongue began roaming around my mouth, his dominance being nothing against me. I was weak for him and he knew it.

That's when the sound of the elevator went off meaning we had reached our floor. Next thing I heard was the door opening before hearing a loud cough from the side of us.

Pulling my lips off Shawn's he opened his eyes to look at me, his lips still puckered as he looked at me confused for pulling away.

Looking to my side an old woman stood there looking dissaprovingly at us.

"Oh I'm sorry, we were just leaving" I tried not to laugh as I felt my cheeks burn up in embarrassment.

Taking a hold of one of the bags Shawn picked up the rest before taking my hand in his, the two of us then passing the old lady as we made our way down the hall.

Looking up at Shawn his face was completely red as he thought the urge to laugh.

I grinned as I looked behind us to see the lady now gone.

"She's gone" I laughed causing Shawn to immediately follow.

"That was so embarrassing" he laughed, shaking his head.

"But it was funny right?" I smirked before holding his hand tighter, resting my head on his arm as we walked side by side.

"Definitely" Shawn smiled as he looked down at me.

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