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Song of the chapter: Love is easy by Mcfly

Sitting in a uber I was completely oblivious to where Shawn was taking me. Shawn decided not to drive us as he wanted to be able to have a drink while we were out.

We both sat in the back of the car, our hands intertwined as they rested on the middle seat.

"I hope you haven't planned anything too extravagant" I laughed lightly as I watched the city buildings pass us by, the sky slowly darkening.

"It's our first date Mia, you should know that I do things big or I don't do anything at all" Shawn smirked back causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"You do realise that now you're going to have to keep over stepping the mark for every date we have after this one?" I teased as I turned my head to look at him.

He was already looking at me with a wide smile across his face.

"If that's what you want then that's what I shall do" he smiled before brining our hands up to his lips and pressing a sweet kiss against my knuckles.

"We could go on a date at McDonald's and I'd still love it as much" I laughed, feeling so overwhelmed by how he looked right now and just having his hand to hold.

He grinned widely at me before looking back out the window, the smile not leaving his face once. That made my smile even brighter as I watched how happy he looked.

It wasn't fake and nor was it over dramatised. Instead it was pure and real, he was truly happy right now and it made me feel amazing to see that and to perhaps be the reason for why he felt so happy.


We were now out of the car and Shawn was leading me down a long Street, a street which was covered by lights above its walkways. Each side of the street was made up of a long row of different small shops, all open as soft music played along the streets from people playing their guitars and singing.

I smiled at the beautiful sound that surrounded us, everything seemed peaceful and loving. Everyone here seemed close and as a community they all truly showed love towards one another.

"It's always like this on a Saturday night, this part of the city is the most beautiful part. On the otherside of the city is party central but this place is amazing, always been my favourite street of the whole place" Shawn explained with a smile as he held my gently, his eyes roaming around the street.

"It's really nice, there's something about lights at night that makes everything much better" I smiled.

"When I was younger my friends and I use to always hang out in a small diner down this street. There's a little bakery down here which is where I also got my first job" Shawn smiled brightly as I looked up at him, his eyes looking forward as he spoke.

"What else did you do here?" I asked.

"Well everyday after school I would come down here with 2 pound in my pocket and get as many sweets as I could out of it for Aaliyah and I" he answered.

"Also you see that pub there?" Shawn laughed as he pointed over to a small pub.

I nodded at it as he looked down at me with a smirk.

"Till this day I am still the highest table tennis scorer of that pub"

I laughed loudly as I shook my head at his smug expression.

"Well let's hope that no one will ever take that title away from you then" I teased causing him to chuckle lightly.

Feeling Shawn's hand fall from mine he moved his hand onto the bottom of my back before guiding me to take and turn.

His hand then wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to his side, the two of us still walking down another pavement.

Looking up at Shawn he was smiling ahead of him, his teeth showing as he did so.

"Are we nearly there?" I eagerly asked as I lent my head on his upper arm.

"It's right around this corner actually" he smiled brightly down at me before taking us around a corner.

Taking my head off Shawn's arm I looked forward, as I felt my lips part slightly. It was beautiful.

There layed one table with two chairs around it while it centered alone in the middle of a medow, under a large willow tree.

I didn't know what to say so instead Shawn took hold of hand before guiding me to over to the table. As he held open the reeds of the willow tree he let me walk in first before following behind me.

I smile beamed across my face as I looked down at the table, there was a card on the top of one of empty plates addressed to me while a single rose layed across the middle of the table. All of this settling onto a white long table cloth.

Looking up there were fair lights circling around the the whole willow tree before falling around the strung of the tree.

"Do you like it? You haven't said anything for like ten minutes" Shawn's voice whispered from behind me.

Flipping my body round I let my eyes become taken over by his. His smile wasn't there anymore because he was worried that I didn't like it.

Taking my hands gently onto neck I connected my lips onto his, him soon kissing back from his late reflex.

His hand soon found their way onto my waist, as if he was afraid to ever let me go.

Taking my lips off his I only stared at him as his eyes opened. A smile soon grew onto his face as his gazed helplessly at me.

"Thank you" I smiled shyly as I took a glance back at the table before looking back at Shawn.

"I'd do anything for you Mia, that's a promise" he smiled widely.

Giving him another quick peck onto lips I took my hands off his neck before turning around and walking over to the table.

Before I could reach for the chair Shawn was already behind it as he pulled it out. I laughed lightly before sitting down as he smirked before walking round to his seat and sitting down.

Looking down at my plated I picked up the letter which read my name before looking across at Shawn who was smiling.

Raising my eyebrows at him he laughed lightly.

"Don't open it yet, only open it when you feel upset or whenever you need me and I can't be there" Shawn said to which I smiled gratefully at.

I put the letter on the side of the table to it was out of the way before pushing my hair behind me.

Looking back up at the lights I took in how truly beautiful everything was. I was sat the most peaceful and beautiful place, having the most incredible guy sitting infront of me.

"What are you thinking about?" Shawn's calming voice asked.

"Just how happy I am" I smiled as I let my eyes fall back onto him.

He grinned even wider at this before reaching across the table and taking my hand in his.

"You're amazing Mia Aniston" he smiled.

I laughed before shaking my head shyly at how he would just say stuff like that.

"Then you'll have to take me back to that sports bar tonight so I can beat your record" I laughed to which he smirked at.

"You can try but don't cry when you lose" Shawn smirked.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be the one crying by the time we go back to the hotel tonight" I laughed to which he chuckled at.

Logic's 1-800 song is absolutely amazing and incredibly inspiring. Definitely fits this book perfectly.

QOTD: What time is it currently where I am?

AOTD: It's 9am in England


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