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Song of the chapter- The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez

[Mia's POV]

Sitting in the rows of stands I was sat between my Mum and Caleb. They had both come to support me, and even though both weren't fully accepting of Shawn they still agreeed to stand by my decisions.

"What time does this thing begin?" Caleb asked from the side of me and he straightened up his tie.

"About 11, they should be brining in Mr Mendes anytime now" Mum replied.

My breath hitched a little as I sat there, it finally sinking in that today was day that Shawn's future was going to be determined.

"Are you sure you wanna do this honey?" Mum asked sweetly as she wrapped her hand over mine.

"Yes" I said with a small smile as I looked at her before looking at Caleb.

"I'm sure"

Wrapping my other hand over Caleb's hand I held onto him tightly as I looked back over the court. I scanned my eyes across all the different people, it feeling so surreal to be in here.

My eyes then fell back onto the stand I sat in. Looking to the left I saw Shawn's parents and as soon as I saw them I felt my heart tighten.

Karen looked absolutely frightened, Manny intently watching the door where Shawn would be coming through. They were scared for their son's future, obviously believing his innocence.

Biting on my bottom lip I looked to my right to see Hayes and Grayson sat a few seats across from where we were.

Hayes was anxiously sat forward as Grayson sat there chewing on the side of his cheek.

I hadn't spoken to Grayson since our fight but I was beyond thankful that he had actually shown up here to support Shawn.

And as for Hayes I wasn't expecting any more contact with him. He was here purely to support Shawn, like everyone was.

There were two stands. Shawn's witnesses were in one, who only some would speak from, and the other was my stand, yet no one was in it; not even me.

However I knew that I'd be called to the stand twice.

The prosecutor would call me up to try and grill me about Shawn. He'd try and get me to shame Shawn in anyway that he could.

Where as Shawn's attorney was going to allow me to speak the truth of his much Shawn meant to me. She was going to ask me questions which would allow me to tell everyone everything without the pressure the prosecutor would be giving me.

And that's where I finally heard the loud door of the court open.

Immediately my eyes fell forward and onto the door. There Shawn was walking in, suprisngly no handcuffs around his wrists.

He was smartly dressed in an all back suit and a white shirt, his hair neatly arranged. Yet his face told a different story. He was pale, and had cuts and bruises arrayed over his face.

He didn't look anywhere but forward as he walked his way over to the desk where him and his attorney would be sitting.

Once he sat down he looked over his shoulder as he scanned his eyes across the stand.

Immediately, once his eyes fell onto me, he pulled a confused and contorted expression.

I could feel my heart practically beating outside of my chest as he remained looking at me.

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