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Song of the chapter: Be The One by Dua Lipa


I felt his presence wonder up and down the rows as I wrote along the lined paper.

"Are you coming to watch me practice or not?" Colby whispered into my ear as he lent over his desk.

"No Colby" I said in a hushed tone as I didn't take my eyes off my paper.

"But you bring me luck" He whined.

"Then find another girl to bring you luck" I shrugged.

[Shawn's POV]

As I walked up one of the rows I couldn't help but discreetly watch Mia as she wrote in her book. Her dark hair flowed so effortlessly down her shoulder.

"Then find another girl to bring you luck" I heard her whisper as the buy behind her lent over his desk so he was practically talking into her ear.

"Oh come on Mia, I know you love watching soccer. You loved me not so long ago remember?" The boy smirked.

I then watched as Mia flung her leg back before it smacked the boy right in the shin as he lent back in his chair before silently groaning.

I instantly turned around and bit my lip as I fort the urge not to smile.


Sitting at my desk the last bell of the day rung meaning all my students began shuffling and getting up from their seats.

"Right for tomorrow's class I want you all to come in with five questions. I've got a fun class planned and I'm pretty sure that you're all going to like it" I smiled as I stood up from my chair.

"Let me guess parcel the parcel?" Hayes, the boy who was giving me crap earlier, joked smugly.

"If you're trying to be funny Hayes then at least use at joke that isn't aimed at yourself" I returned as I as everyone began placing their papers on my desk before walking out of the classroom.

I heard a grunt from Hayes followed by someone else quietly laughing.

As Hayes left the classroom everyone had finally left apart from one girl, Mia, who was stood at her desk putting her stuff back I her bag, her being the girl who was laughing.

"You know, Mr Mendes, you're the only teacher at this school who doesn't take any crap from Hayes" she laughed as she pulled her bag over her shoulder.

I laughed before shaking my head and looking down at my desk, soon returning my head back up to look at Mia.

"I'm not that much older then him, I know how boys work. They make the most stupid and idiotic jokes thinking they're funny, but they only make them look more like a fucking dumbass" I joked as began straightening the pile of papers.

I could hear Mia's laughter from her desk, where she was still stood, shaking her head.

"What?" I laughed as I knitted my eyebrows together.

"It's just I thought that teachers weren't suppose to swear infront of students" she answered.

"We aren't but right now it's past school hours and if I'm honest I don't think you'll go report me to the principle for swearing" I rose my eyebrows.

"Ofcourse not" she smiled.

"Anyway I should get going, I'll see you in class tomorrow" she smiled before walking towards the door.

Taking a seat back in my chair she stopped walking before turning around to look at me again.

"Mr Mendes?" She said.

"Hm?" I turned to look at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Do I answer that truthfully or do I give her the answer she's hoping for?

"I'm good" I smiled.

"Now go, I'm pretty sure you're wanted at practice" I laughed.

"As if I'm going to that" she rolled her eyes before turning around.

I laughed and shook my head before looking back down at the papers in my hands.

"Bye Mr Mendes" she said as the sounds of her shoes left the room.

"Bye Mia"

The Next Day

[Mia's POV]

"You've hardly said a word about him. Come on, you have to admit that he's super good looking" Izzy sighed as she held onto my arm while we walked over through the school courtyard during our first break of the day.

"He's our teacher Izzy" I rolled my eyes.

"And? It's not like the movie cruel intentions when the sister practically made out with her brother" Izzy said.

"That's wrong on so many levels" I laughed as I held my folders against my chest.

"It's only wrong if you make it wrong" she smirked as she let go of my arm.

I rose my eyebrows at her in disgust as readjusted my bag strap on my shoulder.

"I meant student and teacher" she rolled her eyes before laughing.

"Still illegal" I playfully rolled my eyes as I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Look there he is" Izzy whispered as she pushed against my house to wt my attention.

Looking up from the floor I again rolled my eyes as I followed her eyes to which were looking at Mr Mendes. He was stood with our maths teacher, Mr Peters, who was one of oldest teachers at our school.

"I'd love to be that apple right now" Izzy whispered from the side of me causing me to laugh out loud as Mr Mendes took another bite of his apple, while talking to Mr Peters.

"Stop they'll hear your" Izzy snapped as my laughter continued.

Just like Izzy said Mr Peters and Mr Mendes turned their attention to us, as we stood a good ten metres away from them.

Mr Mendes rose his eyebrows at me as my laughter carried on.

"You okay there girls?" Mr Peters friendly and old voice crackled.

"We're absolutely fine Sir" I smiled through my laugh.

"How are you Mr Mendes?" Izzy shouted.

"I'm alright Izzy, thankyou" Mr Mendes smiled.

"Oh my god the way he said my name" Izzy again whispered into my ear dramatically.

"I'm leaving" I laughed before walking in the opposite direction of Izzy.

Looking behind me I noticed how Mr Mendes was watching me as he walked away, still eating his apple.

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I continued my walk to wherever it was I was going next.

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