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Song of the chapter- Beauty and the Beast, covered by Leroy Sanchez and Lorea Turner 

Parking up my car I turned off my engine before unplugging my seatbelt and jumping out of the car. Closing the door I then walked round to the passenger door before pulling it open.

Reaching onto the seat I picked up the black box before pushing the door closed with my foot.

I then turned around as I looked across where I was parked. I had parked up on the top of cliff, one of which was apart of a nature walk.

The sunset was in the middle of fading as all the city lights of Toronto looked so small from where I was standing.

Walking a little further along the stony ground I walked until I reached an old bench which overlooked the whole city.

Sitting down I placed the box on my lap as I firmly held onto the top of its lid, bracing myself to open it and remember all the memories Shawn and I shared.

Gazing back out onto the view I scanned my eyes from all the tall trees and all the way down to the distant city buildings.

This place was so quiet, barely any visitors at this time of day.

Even though everything around me was so peaceful I still felt a constant pounding, both in my chest and my head.

Letting out a deep breath I looked back down at the box before gently lifting off the lid and placing it beside me.

As I stared down at the box I carefully placed my hand on the first thing which covered the whole top of the box, Shawn's shirt.

Grabbing it in my hands I held it out as I stared at it, my heart pounding as I admired it's pattern.

Pulling the shirt up to my nose I closed my eyes as I inhaled it's smell. It smelt just like Shawn, his musky and sweet sent pleasuring me with all the memories of having his body next to mine.

This was the shirt he wore on the night of the concert in London. It was such a great night, and I remembered how even more great the night was back at our hotel room.

I had fallen asleep wearing this shirt, I had fallen asleep in the comfort of Shawn's arms.

I accidentally had packed it in my case and had never actually wanted to give it back to him. I remembered how Shawn would always moan about losing it, while I'd play along and pretend that I had no idea where it went.

But I kept it. I wanted to keep it because on the nights that he weren't with me I wanted a piece of him which would comfort me, and to this day it still does.

Holding on tightly to the material of the shirt I opened my eyes before carefully folding the shirt and placing it next to me.

I then reached my hand back into the box before pulling out some sort of pin. It was a silver pin, which had a red rose spiralling around it.

As it rested in my palm I couldn't help but smile at how this small little thing could bring back such a simple sweet memory, a memory which is distinctively glued in my mind.


Wiping down the sides I was left alone to lock up the cafe, the lights slightly dimmed as the darkness outside settled in on the room.

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