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Song of the chapter: School Girls by L Devine

As I put my coins into the vending machine I punched in my number before waiting for the bottle of water to spiral out of its stand.

The cafeteria was quiet and empty, apart from the dinner ladies who were still cleaning up the kitchen from lunch.

Just as the water was about to fall the machine jammed the plastic into the metal spiral.

"Damn it" I muttered to myself.

Hearing light footsteps hit against the floor I turned my head to see Shawn walking into the cafeteria. I instantly smiled at him, his gaze already fixated on me.

"Following me?" I teased as I looked away from him and back at the vending machine.

"Just got a little thirsty so thought I'd quickly come get something" I could hear the smirk in his words.

"Well good luck with that because this bloody things jammed" I rolled my eyes.

Shawn soon came next to me. Placing his hands on either side of the machine he turned his head slightly, flashing a toothy grin at me.

"Mind out the way honey" he smiled.

I held my hands up as I laughed lightly before taking a few steps back.

I was more obsessed by the fact of how precious it sounded to hear the word honey roll off his tongue.

He was precious, too precious

Shawn then began shaking the machine, all the bottles and bars shaking inside.

After another minute or so still nothing had unjammed.

"Looks like your method doesn't work Mr Mendes" I smirked as I folded my arms.

"I'd like to see you do better Aniston" he rose his eyebrows at me before straightening out the top of his tie.

I gave him a wide smile before turning on my hill and walking towards the cafeteria's kitchen. I could just feel Shawn's sassy posture from behind me, his folded arms with one of his legs bent and the other straight while he's biting the bottom of his lip.

Knocking on the kitchen door I was soon greeted by one of the dinner ladies.

"How may I help you my dear?" The petite old lady asked.

"I'm sorry but my drink got jammed in the machine" I smiled politely.

"Ah it always does that dear, let me just unlock it for you" she laughed, her voice croaking.

She followed behind me until we reached the machine, this time Shawn was just stood up more casually.

"I would ask why you're out of class but I see that your teacher is with you do it's fine" the lady smiled up at me as she slid the key into its lock.

Looking up at Shawn he was trying his best not to smirk or even look at me which I found quite amusing, whenever we looked at eachother we always had the urge to smile or laugh.
Nothing was ever too serious.

Biting down on my bottom lip I looked away from him, the lady now opening the glass door.

"What was it you wanted dear?" She asked.

"Just a water please" I smiled.

Once she had taken out the drink she handed it to me before looking up at Shawn, now that was a height difference.

"And what can I get this dashing young teacher then?" Her wild eyes beamed up at Shawn.

"Oh err- I'll have a water aswell please" he stuttered, his face instantly turning red with embarrassment.

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