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Song of the chapter- Blinded By Your Grace by Stormzy

Holding the piece of paper in my hand I just stared down at it, my hands shaking in its hold.

I had goosebumps running all the way up my skin, my innerconscience fighting every thought I had.

This piece of paper could end everything. It could completely change both of our lives, but if I did this then I was going to ruin someone else's life.

Hearing a heavy knock land against my bedroom door I quickly folded the paper before shoving it into my shoulder bag.

"Come in" I called out before walking over to my mirror, pretending as if I was checking how I looked.

The door then followed open to reveal Grayson. Seeing his reflection in the mirror he was wearing an all black suit, a small football pin on the right.

"You ready?" He gave me a sympathetic smile.

Letting out a sigh I turned around before giving him a small smile and nodding.

He then walked over to me before holding his hand out, another football pin resting in his palm.

"Don't forget this"

Taking it from his hand I pinned it onto one side of my chest, attaching it onto the black material of my dress.

"I know this is probably inappropriate but you look really nice" Grayson chuckled lightly as he looked me up and down.

"Thanks" I playfully rolled my eyes.


Walking up the cobbled path Grayson stayed by my side as we made our way up to the outside of the church.

So many people were here. I recognised nearly everyone, from his family to his friends. Everyone was chatting amongst eachother, who knows what they were saying.

Everyone was wearing black, but most importantly on everyone right they were wearing a football pin.

The sound of my heels clicking against the pavement slowly came to a halt as I saw Hayes knelt down outside the front of the church, tieing his shoe lace.

He was in a dark black suit, a white shirt and black tie across his chest.

I didn't know that he was walking again, he never bothered letting me know.

"You should talk to him" Grayson whispered from the side of me.

I bit down on my lip as I hesitated whether to go over or not.

"Just go talk to him, I'll be over there with Charlie if you need anything"

Letting out a deep breath I then began slowly and hesitantly walking my way over towards Hayes. As I made my way over to him he began standing up from his shoe.

He scanned his eyes across the place as he straightened the collar or his blazer and eventually his eyes landed on me.

I was now stood infront of him, keeping a fair amount of distant between us.

"What do you want?" He mumbled through gritted teeth, shoving his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Can we please just talk about what happened? Or atleast just act like everything's okay, just for today?" I gently asked as I fiddled with the sleeves of my grey coat.

"Fine, today I'll be civil with you but as soon as this thing ends you and I are fucking down with eachother" He said harshly as he stepped forward and began whispering in my ear, his words spending shivers down my spine.

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