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Song of the chapter: All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran

I could sense the nervousness from the expression on his face as we sat waiting in our seats. He kept jogging his knee up and down as he chewed on the side of his cheek.

We were sat in two seats of the circle of chairs which was in one room. All the chairs were full of different people. Some people on their own and some people with a supportive friend or family member.

"It's going to be fine" I whispered as I placed my hand over Colby's.

"I don't want to be here Mia" he replied as he squeezed my hand tightly.

"I know but it's to help you get better" I gave him a small smile and he nodded as his eyes remained forward.

After a few more minutes the support group was now in session. The person leading the group was called Zac Peters.

"My name is Zac Peters and today I'll be leading our support group. Whatever is spoken about in here stays in this room and none of us are here to judge, we're all here to get help and share our stories with eachother" he explained.

"We're going to go round the circle and each of us are going to introduce ourselves and tell everything a few things about ourselves"

Colby's hold became tighter on my hand as his nerves only became stronger as one by one people began introducing themselves.

And before I knew it the circle had reached to me. Standing up I let go of Colby's hand, letting all eyes fall on me.

"My name is Mia Aniston and I'm 17 years old. I'm a senior highschool student and I'm-" The loud opening of a door interrupted everyone as we all turned our heads to the direction of the noise.

As soon as my eyes fell onto the door I felt my mouth drop open slightly as I stood there completely shocked at who had stumbled through the door.

It was Shawn, a bewildered looking Shawn.

He looked as if he had just fallen through the door, his body turned slightly to the old woman who stood behind him.

"I'm not suppose to be here-" Shawn whispered.

"Denial is the first step of admitting the truth, now go in. It'll help" the lady demanded before walking out and closing the door, leaving Shawn standing there.

Turning around he smiled before putting his hand up a little to greet everyone. As his eyes fell onto me I could read the apology in his eyes as he knew how confused I was at him for turning up.

But I wasn't mad nor was I angry, if anything I was thankful to have him walk through those doors. I had missed him so much and just seeing him bought all the feelings back.

His denim jacket held onto his muscles as his white top hung loosely off his chest. His hair looked fluffy today as his lazy eye looked clear as day.

I wanted to kiss him right there and then

"What's he doing here?" Colby whispered.

"I guess he's got problems of his own" I whispered back, and in that moment I realised that Shawn was going to have to speak about the most hardest thing he's ever had to deal with.

Shawn walked round the circle until he found an empty seat which was opposite to me in the circle.

"You can carry on now Mia" Zac smiled.

Brushing off Shawn's sudden appearance I coughed quietly before letting myself speak again.

"I'm here with my bestfriend Colby, supporting him with as to why we're here" I was about to sit down until Zac spoke up again.

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