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Song of the chapter- Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood,
(covered by JoLivi)

Feeling Grayson's hand move up and down my back we now layed in silence, the room being pitch black around us.

My head rested against his chest as we both layed on our sides facing each other. I layed against him with my eyes closed as I wore a pair of his sweat pants and a plain white top.

There was something about veing in the comfort of him arms which made everything so peaceful.

"I'm not gonna go to school tomorrow. I just wanna stay here with you" Grayson tiredly muttered, his hand still patterning up my back.

"I wasn't planning to go in anyway" I said quietly, still keeping my eyes closed.

"Yeah but I was, but now I don't want to. It just feels like it's been a lifetime since I've had you in my arms"Grayson sighed.

As he said that I titled my head up to look at him, opening my eyes. I could just about see his face from the small light shining in from the gap under the door, from the hall way light.

His eyes eventually opened at me, the greeness of his eyes being overpowering.

"You know, Mr Mendes never deserved to get as much of you as he did" he whispered, as he used one of his hands to push my hair out of my face.

"Yeah well you were right about us two, we were never going to work out" I sighed.

"He wasn't good enough for you anyway" Grayson comforted as he reached his hand to the side of my neck, his thumb rubbing along the bottom of my ear.

"But he was" I whispered look in away from Grayson.

Feeling his fingers on my chin he tilted my head up slightly so I was looking at him.

"No he wasn't because he cheated on you" Grayson said seriously.

I didn't realised how close his face was to mine until I felt his lips against mine. My eyes widened as his closed, his lips pressing softly against mine.

I didn't kiss back, I was too shocked to.

Soon Grayson pulled away as he realised I still hasn't kissed back. He opened his eyes to look at me, then widening a little.

"I'm so sorry, I don't why the hell I just did that" he shook his head as he let go of me.

He was about to shift back a little but I held his face in my hands so he would look straight into my eyes. I don't know what I was thinking, but in that moment it was just us two and fuck I needed a distraction.

Clasping my lips onto his I forcefully pushed against them, none of this being sweet or loving but instead just the desire to feel lust again.

Feeling Graysons hands on my back he began strongly kissing me back, biting my bottom lip slightly.

His hands soon gripped onto my waist before flipping us over so he was above me. He made sure none of his weight was on me as held himself up by holding onto the headboard.

Our lip movement became rapidly faster as we roughly thought for control and lust. Feeling his tongue slide along my bottom lip I parted my lips slightly to allow him access.

Soon his tongue began exploring my mouth and everything came flooding back from my first time.

Everything felt exactly the same. No passionate feelings were there but only the want for more. We just both craved to have someones skin against ours.

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