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Song of the chapter: How Long by Charlie Puth

[Shawn's POV]

Closing the door behind me I turned around to be met with the back of Mia, as she stood on a stool reaching for the paper towls.

"Let me get it" I laughed causing me to get her attention.

Turning her head to look at me she gave me a smirk before stepping off the steps and gesturing for me to get them. Walking over to where she stood I reached up onto the shelf before pulling put a stack of paper towls.

"You could only get it because you're tall" Mia said as she folded her arms.

I smirked before placing the towls beside me. Walking towards Mia she slowly unfolded her arms, letting me pull her closer as I placed my hand on the bottom of her back.

"Your eyes are so blue today" I smiled as I held my other hand on her cheek.

"You tell me that everyday" she laughed as she rose her hand to the top of my shirt, fiddling with the top button.

"Can't I say it everyday? I mean I am your boyfriend and you know I love you so yeah I should only tell you the truth" I teased as she rose her eyebrows at me, trying to direct me away from her shy smile.

She always got shy when I said I love her, I think the main reason was because she never knew how to react.

I smiled proudly to myself at her sudden shyness before moving my hand so it was now comfortably on the back of her neck, fiddling with her hair.

"Just change your shirt and then we'll head back to class" Mia whispered as she began unbuttoning my shirt.

"What? Is that all I came in here for? To have you unbutton my shirt for me?" I rose my eyebrow and at this she smirked up at me.

"Yes that's it. I don't plan on us getting caught, especially not at school" she playfully rolled her eyes as she finished unbuttoning my shirt.

Before I could reply I became distracted as I felt her cold hand connect with my chest, her finger began moving up and down my chest before moving along my ab lines.

Her hand eventually stopped before resting on my chest, her eyes now looking up unto mine.

Her eyes were beaming brightly as they looked at me, my warm smile reflecting back at her.

Parting my lips slightly I let my eyes look at her plump lips, just wanting them on mine and to be honest nothing was stopping me.

Stepping closer I felt my chest brush against hers, my body over towering hairs.

Her eyes followed up to mine as she stared so infatuated at me. Gently tipping her head up slightly I moved my face close to hers until our lips were fitted together.

As we kissed back and fourth, I dominated all control over the kiss as she soothed into my touch. I felt her hand grip onto the side of my shirt as her other hand roamed along my chest.

My hand remained on the back of her neck as my other hand began moving down her side until it reached the bottom of her skirt. Not moving my hand from there I felt her hand leaved my chest before falling onto my hand, which rested on her skirt.

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