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Song of the chapter: Lie A Little Better by Lucy Hale


As his strong arms pushed me against the wall I let his tongue travel the inside of my mouth as I locked the door of the janitors closest.

His hands travelled down to the sides of my hips as they gripped onto them tightly, his nails almost digging into my sides.

My hands searched through his blonde hair as I gently tugged on his loose hairs.

"Jesus christ Mia, what are you doing to me?" Colby whispered through the unpartable kiss.

I smirked as I hooked my arms around his neck.

"I can't help myself" I smirked taking my lips off his causing him to match my smile.

All that filled the room was our fast breaths and our lust for eachother.

"I'm not going to be able to stop myself if you carry on doing this" Colby smiled as his hands rose to hold the sides of my face.

"Well it looks like you're going to have to wait because I don't fancy being late for English" I laughed quietly as the bell for the end of lunch rang.

"I'll leave first, you wait a few minutes" I said as I straightened out my skirt so it was just above my knees, as well as neating out my hair.

"You're such a tease" he laughed as he titled his head back.

I laughed before unlocking the door. Just as I was about to open the door I felt Colby's lips press up against the side of my cheek.

I felt myself blush before opening the door and walking into the hallway.


"I want you all to think about the five questions that you have prepared for today's lesson. I want you to think about why you chose those questions" Mr Mendes explained as he stood at the front of the circle.

Mr Mendes had us all move the tables the sides of room and put the chairs in a circle where we each sat.

"I'm going to ask each of you to ask your question and whoever feels like they can answer it then stand up" Mr Mendes continued.

"How the hell is any of this to do with English?" Hayes groaned as he slumped in his chair with his arms folded.

Before Mr Mendes could come up with a reply I took it as an opportunity to answer.

Standing up I looked at Mr Mendes who smiled at me and gestured me to answer.

"English is all about expressing your beliefs and your opinions. It's a way of letting people freely write about what they believe is truth about life and every question that lies within it. It's about being creative with our knowledge and our understanding" I answered before sitting back down in my seat.

"Wow, well done Miss Aniston. I couldn't have put it better myself" Mr Mendes smiled as he folded his eyebrows.

I gave him a smile before looking at Hayes and giving him a smug smile while glaring at him. He just scoffed before looking away.

As my eyes connected with Colby, from across the room, he was smirking at me. I blushed as I looked away waiting for the next question.

After a few questions and answers it was Colby's turn to ask a question. As he stood up he pushed up his sleeves before putting his hands in his pockets.

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