Epilogue- Part One♡

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Song of the chapter- In My Blood by Shawn Mendes

Three Months Later

[Shawn's POV]

"Give me a high five" I said as I held Bella on my lap so she was facing me, holding my hand up at her.

Giving me a grin she showed her two toothed gums as she playfully put her small hand against mine.

"Good girl" I beamed at her as I wrapped my hand over hers, her big brown eyes not looking anywhere but at me.

She was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Yes, the last three months have been the most stressful and difficult months of my life, and yes, I had given up everything to be here but it was all worth it because I was getting to live the best job in the world of being a Father.

I had bought us a place in a small town in California, one which was a little outside of Los Angeles. It was a safe neighbourhood, a neighbourhood full of other families growing along with us.

However I was the only single Dad on our street and to be honest I don't mind it. After all I'm getting to spoil Bella in the way I want to and I'm able to bring her up the same way my parents bought me up, humble and respectful.

I still hadn't even got use to the air of California air. The whole atmosphere of this place felt so different to Canada. It was warmer and brighter but yet, much like Canada, it was peaceful.

I hadn't even got a job yet. I was too worried to even put Bella into a day care, I didn't want to miss a second with her.

She was all I had. She was the only reason I wasn't alone and I had become so connected with her over the past few months that I didn't want to risk ever putting her in harms way.

Besides the news of Bella and I, I suppose you're curious to whether Mia and I have been in contact in the past three months. Well the answer to that question is no.

And it's not a no because I haven't tried, it's a no because she never picked up my calls.

After atleast a month of settling in here I had finally decided to call her, just to check on how things were. It was the start of her exam season at the time and I just wanted to give her my praises and support.

But after having called her at least five times in the first week I gave up. I sent texts and even left voice mails.

Good luck on your exams, wish I was there! Xx

Yet, I was replied with nothing but her having read my text which meant that she definitely didn't want to talk to me. But I didn't get why.

I didn't get why she was ignoring me, especially when we didn't even end things on bad terms. The break up wasn't bitter or hateful, but instead it was full of love and bliss. I thought she understood why I left, and I thought that she was okay with idea of us being up to fate.

If she was that bothered about the idea then why didn't she say anything? Why didn't she stop me from leaving?

I mean, maybe a part of me wanted her to stop me from ever getting on that plane.

Another Two Months Later

[Mia's POV]

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